Rails Routes: Nested, Member, Collection, Namespace, Scope and Customizable

Rails routes: Nested, Member, Collection, namespace, scope and customizable

**Collection & Member routes**
  • A member route requires an ID, because it acts on a member.

  • A collection route doesn't require an ID because it acts on a
    collection of objects

:member creates path with pattern /:controller/:id/:your_method

:collection creates path with the pattern /:controller/:your_method

For example :

map.resources :users, :collection => { :abc => :get } => /users/abc
map.resources :users, :member => { :abc => :get } => /users/1/abc

**Scopes & Namespaces routes**

namespace and scope in the Rails routes affect the controller
names, URIs, and named routes.

The scope method gives you fine-grained control:

scope 'url_path_prefix', module: 'module_prefix', as: 'named_route_prefix' do
resources :model_name

For Example :

scope 'foo', module: 'bar', as: 'baz' do
resources :posts

produces routes as :

  Prefix Verb         URI Pattern                  Controller#Action
baz_posts GET /foo/posts(.:format) bar/posts#index
POST /foo/posts(.:format) bar/posts#create
new_baz_post GET /foo/posts/new(.:format) bar/posts#new
edit_baz_post GET /foo/posts/:id/edit(.:format) bar/posts#edit
baz_post GET /foo/posts/:id(.:format) bar/posts#show
PATCH /foo/posts/:id(.:format) bar/posts#update
PUT /foo/posts/:id(.:format) bar/posts#update
DELETE /foo/posts/:id(.:format) bar/posts#destroy

The namespace method is the simple case — it prefixes everything.

namespace :foo do
resources :posts

produces routes as :

   Prefix Verb        URI Pattern                  Controller#Action
foo_posts GET /foo/posts(.:format) foo/posts#index
POST /foo/posts(.:format) foo/posts#create
new_foo_post GET /foo/posts/new(.:format) foo/posts#new
edit_foo_post GET /foo/posts/:id/edit(.:format) foo/posts#edit
foo_post GET /foo/posts/:id(.:format) foo/posts#show
PATCH /foo/posts/:id(.:format) foo/posts#update
PUT /foo/posts/:id(.:format) foo/posts#update
DELETE /foo/posts/:id(.:format) foo/posts#destroy

**Constraints & Redirect**

Rails routes are executed sequentially, you can mimic conditional
login in the following manner:

match '/route' => 'controller#action', :constraints => Model.new
match '/route' => 'user#action'

The first line checks whether the conditions of the constraint are met (i.e., if the request is emanating from a Model domain). If the constraint is satisfied, the request is routed to controller#action.

We can add constraints to routes for multiple uses like for ip-matching, params matching, restrict format parameter, request-based restrictions etc as :

- ip-matching
=> resources :model, constraints: { ip: /172\.124\.\d+\.\d+/ }
- filtering id params
=> match 'model/:id', to: 'model#show' ,constraints: { id: /\d+/}, via: :get
- restrict format params
=> match 'model/:id', to: 'model#show' ,constraints: { format: 'json' }, via: :get
- request-based constraints
=> get 'admin/', to: 'admin#show', constraints: { subdomain: 'admin' }

Rails route alias for a nested route with specific id

You can use a match method in your route.

match '/business-meet/registration', to: 'event_participants#new', via: :get, defaults: { event_id: 8 }

Ruby on Rails - Nested Route Collections

I believe the answer is:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
namespace :api do
namespace :v1 do
resources :users do
collection do
get "sync"
post "register"
get "types/:type_id", action: 'types'

types is the action and what you need is the params :type_id.
if you run rails routes, you get:

      Prefix Verb   URI Pattern                            Controller#Action
GET /api/v1/users/types/:type_id(.:format) api/v1/users#types

Now you can go to http://localhost:3000/api/v1/users/types/10

Rails routing: namespace nested in a scope

Try to add this in your application controller:

def default_url_options(options={})
{:locale => I18n.locale}

It worked for me, I suggest you to read the sections of the I18n guide where to explain how to set the locale from the URL params.

PS: Welcome to StackOverflow ;)

Rails Routes: Nested Scopes/Namespaces

namespace is what I was looking for:

  constraints(AdminDomain) do
scope :module => "admin" do
resources :visitors
namespace :history do
resources :visitors

And I had to define Admin::History::VisitorsController in app/controllers/admin/history/visitors_controller.rb

difference between collection route and member route in ruby on rails?

A member route will require an ID, because it acts on a member. A collection route doesn't because it acts on a collection of objects. Preview is an example of a member route, because it acts on (and displays) a single object. Search is an example of a collection route, because it acts on (and displays) a collection of objects.

What is the difference between resources and namespace in rails nested routing

Check out the difference using rake routes.

This definition with a namespace:

namespace :alpha do
resources :posts

results in the following routes:

         Prefix Verb   URI Pattern                     Controller#Action
alpha_posts GET /alpha/posts(.:format) alpha/posts#index
POST /alpha/posts(.:format) alpha/posts#create
new_alpha_post GET /alpha/posts/new(.:format) alpha/posts#new
edit_alpha_post GET /alpha/posts/:id/edit(.:format) alpha/posts#edit
alpha_post GET /alpha/posts/:id(.:format) alpha/posts#show
PATCH /alpha/posts/:id(.:format) alpha/posts#update
PUT /alpha/posts/:id(.:format) alpha/posts#update
DELETE /alpha/posts/:id(.:format) alpha/posts#destroy

As you can see, the only thing that is different from a plain resources route set is the addition of /alpha prefix.

Now for the two-level resources routes definition:

resources :alpha do
resources :posts

which results in:

         Prefix Verb   URI Pattern                               Controller#Action
alpha_posts GET /alpha/:alpha_id/posts(.:format) posts#index
POST /alpha/:alpha_id/posts(.:format) posts#create
new_alpha_post GET /alpha/:alpha_id/posts/new(.:format) posts#new
edit_alpha_post GET /alpha/:alpha_id/posts/:id/edit(.:format) posts#edit
alpha_post GET /alpha/:alpha_id/posts/:id(.:format) posts#show
PATCH /alpha/:alpha_id/posts/:id(.:format) posts#update
PUT /alpha/:alpha_id/posts/:id(.:format) posts#update
DELETE /alpha/:alpha_id/posts/:id(.:format) posts#destroy
alpha_index GET /alpha(.:format) alpha#index
POST /alpha(.:format) alpha#create
new_alpha GET /alpha/new(.:format) alpha#new
edit_alpha GET /alpha/:id/edit(.:format) alpha#edit
alpha GET /alpha/:id(.:format) alpha#show
PATCH /alpha/:id(.:format) alpha#update
PUT /alpha/:id(.:format) alpha#update
DELETE /alpha/:id(.:format) alpha#destroy

As you can see, alpha becomes a top-level resource with all 8 RESTful routes. posts, in turn, become second-level resource, accessible only through the route to a specific alpha object.

Read more in Rails Routing from the Outside In.

You might also find interesting the scope option. Read about the difference between scope and namespace in Scoping Rails Routes blog post.

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