Actionmailer Pass Local Variables to The Erb Template

ActionMailer pass local variables to the erb template

All options available in the mail method can be found at

We know that render has a :locals option. However we can see that there is no :locals option available for mail. Therefore, no, there is no better way than to use instance variables (unless you want to use something hideous like globals or persistent database objects - don't do this).

Instance variables are what you are meant to use.

Rails - Mailer Instance Variable Nil in Email View

try this way

This is your InvitationMailer

def invitation(invitation)
@invitation = invitation
mail(:to => @invitation.recipient_email, :subject => "Invitation")

now, in your InvitationsController

if signed_in?

now, views/invitation_mailer/invitation.text.erb

You are invited to join the site!
<%= invited_url(@invitation.token) %> # INSTANCE VARIABLE THAT IS NIL IN VIEW

Passing Variable into Rails Mailer

Well, you are using local variable user, which has scope only to the method you have defined. You have to use instance variable @user as an example. So changes are to be done like :

def intro_email(user)
@user = user
mail(to: "email", from: "email2", subject: "THIS IS A TEST")

Then inside the view use @user. Like

The users name is <%= %>.

Send email with attachments action Mailer Ruby on Rails

# controller

# mailer
def send_invoice(attachment)
attachments['test-bill'] =

Rails 5 render set instance variables in locals

ActionView::Base has a method assign which can be called to set the instance variables.

    av.assign({revenue_accounts: revenue_accounts,
expense_accounts: expense_accounts,
start_date: start_date,
end_date: end_date,
business: business})

income_statement_html = av.render :template => "reports/income_statement.pdf.erb", :layout => 'layouts/report.html.erb'

Undefined local variable or method `params' - In Mailer

ActionMailer does not have access to the controller params, so you can't access params hash inside your mailer.

You can pass the params you need as arguments instead like you passed the user in the argument in your send_notification_email method. Use that user's id if you need:

def send_notification_email(user)
user = User.friendly.find( # use the id of the passed user
mail( :to =>,
:subject => "You've got a post like" )

Apparently, you can even omit user = User.friendly.find( # use the id of the passed user line because you already have the user object which you can directly use in the mail method call:

def send_notification_email(user)
mail(:to =>,
:subject => "You've got a post like")

Both of these should work. And the bottom line is: ActionMailer does not have access to the controller params hash which is the cause of your error. :-)

Passing a block variable in an js.erb ajax call


$(".restaurant__dish").html('<%= escape_javascript(render "restaurants/dish_partials/like_toggle", dish: @dish) %>');


$(".restaurant__dish").html('<%= escape_javascript(render partial: "restaurants/dish_partials/like_toggle", locals: { dish: @dish }) %>');

you're missing @ before dish variable.

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