Monitor Multiple Rails Applications

Monitor Multiple Rails Applications

I recommend you try NewRelic RPM.

The free version:

RPM Lite is the most widely used
solution for basic web application
monitoring. RPM Lite provides
application monitoring for unlimited
Java, Ruby or JRuby applications, for
unlimited users, for an unlimited
time. What a deal! With RPM Lite you
can identify overall app health, app
response time, throughput, Apdex SLA
scoring, cluster breakdown, and Notes.
You can also see where web
transactions are spending the most
time, isolate the worst offenders, and
determine where to focus your
remediation efforts

Later edit:

An alternative to NewRelic RPM is ScoutApp, that has a lot of plugins covering all your required features.

If you need something that can be run on your server, there is also the munin plugins gem that you may try. If you need a users monitoring tools (kind of like Google Analytics)m you can use the RailStat gem.

Managing a thread over multiple requests in Rails

You should not use threads for background jobs, because in production environment, a Rails application often spawns multiple processes in order to achieve concurrency (Rails applications often run in single-threaded mode). So in your case, there will be one background job per process.

The preferred way of implementing a background job is to separate that job from the processes of Rails application. For example, you can write a long-term rake task run in the background which traps UNIX signals or listens to socket requests on some specific port. Your Rails application just send signals or requests to that task to monitor and control it.

Rails response time and server health monitoring tools

I have been using ServerDensity for one year and I'm extremely satisfied. Recently a GitHub user released a Passenger plugin for ServerDensity.

If you want something more Ruby-oriented, have a look at Scout.

Rails response time and server health monitoring tools

I have been using ServerDensity for one year and I'm extremely satisfied. Recently a GitHub user released a Passenger plugin for ServerDensity.

If you want something more Ruby-oriented, have a look at Scout.

Rails drop down box display values from multiple columns in database

Add a new method to your Person model like:

def fullname
"#{FirstName} #{Surname}"

...and then use :fullname in options_from_collection_for_select.

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