How to Automatically Escape HTML Content Using Jekyll and Markdown

How can I automatically escape HTML content using Jekyll and Markdown?

If you used textile instead of markdown, there would be a way.

Liquid markup has textilize & escape filters; those two would allow you to do what you wanted, but on textile. You would have to save your files as text (file extension: txt), and then escape the html before textilizing:

layout: default
title: Snarky little Ewok

This file's extension is .txt

A little Ewok is sometimes referred too as <h3>. But pappa Ewok is called <h1> - if you know what's good for you.

Then on the default.html layout, instead of having:

{{ page.content }}

You would have this:

{{ page.content | xml_escape | textilize }}

Since there's no 'markdownify' filter on Jekyll yet, you can't do that with markdown. There's an issue (Issue 134) on Jekyll for adding a markdownify filter.


It's now possible to use markdown (since jekyll 0.10.1)

{{ page.content | xml_escape | markdownify }}

Escaping Rendering Liquid Template in Jekyll Markdown

Turns out my issue was further complicated by a template issue with Vue.js, which also uses the mustache syntax for templates. I was able to resolve this with the following:

{% raw %}{{ "{{ content "  }}}}{% endraw %}

It doesn't look great, but it works.

jekyll auto compile all markdown files

Processing or not, that is the question ?

File with a front matter --> jekyll processing

File without front matter = static file --> just copied

The minimal front matter is :


Markdown/Jekyll: Auto-surround bare URLs with angle brackets?

You may try the below regex:


Explanation of the above regex:

  • (?!<) - Represents negative look-ahead not matching the string if it starts with a <.

  • ^, $ - Represents start and end of line respectively.

  • (https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b(?:[-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&\/\/=]*)) - This part matches all the possible valid urls efficiently.

  • (?!>) - Represents negative look-ahead not matching if the url ends in >.

Pictorial Representation

You can find the demo of the above regex in here.

NOTE: I also prefer using perl command if it comes to implementation in bash. But if it is your necessary requirement to use sed then you can try the below command. However; please be noted that sed misses many amazing features of regex namely; look-arounds, non-captured groups, etc.

sed -E 's@^[^<]?(https?://(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&/=]*))[^>]?$@<\1>@gm'

You can find sample run of the perl and sed implementation in here.

Jekyll YAML issue in rendering

A couple of things:

  1. You should be able to use either single ' or double quotes ", but not curly quotes “”. Providing you have no comma's in your string, you should also be fine without quotes.
  2. If you define and use an excerpt_separator in your _config.yml, the post.excerpt will be automatically generated for you. Jekyll Docs - Posts
  3. You don't need to pass HTML in to any of your front-matter. You can simply call it with the strip_html and markdownify filters to strip links/formatting and wrap it in a <p> tag. Jekyll Docs - Templates

{{ page.excerpt|strip_html|markdownify }}

edit: I may have misread, but to put quote marks inside one of these bits of front-matter, you can use a backslash to escape it:

title: "This is a quote \" it is rendered."

Jekyll, modify the way some html tags are rendered

I found the way and corrected the code, I need a properly configured custom renderer. Using RedcarpetExt as markdown variable in the _config.yaml will activate it.

# Create a custom renderer that extend Redcarpet to customize its behavior.
require 'jekyll'
require 'redcarpet'

class RedcarpetExtender < Redcarpet::Render::HTML
# Extend the table to be compatible with the Bootstrap css.
def table(header, body)
"\n<table class='table-bordered table-hover'><thead>\n#{ header }</thead><tbody>\n#{ body }</tbody></table>\n"

class Jekyll::Converters::Markdown::RedcarpetExt
def initialize(config)
@site_config = config

def extensions
Hash[ *@site_config['redcarpet']['extensions'].map {|e| [e.to_sym, true]}.flatten ]

def markdown
@markdown ||=, extensions)

def convert(content)
return super unless @site_config['markdown'] == 'RedcarpetExt'

Table of contents using Jekyll and Kramdown

{:toc} is kramdown tag for automatic Table of content generation.

In your case, you need two more things to make it work :

  1. Allow kramdown to parse inside html blocks : in _config.yml add :

    parse_block_html: true
  2. in _includes/toc.html, you need to provide a seed list :

    <h4>Table of Contents</h4>
    * this unordered seed list will be replaced by toc as unordered list

Jekyll: produce custom HTML for external links (target and CSS class)

It seems writing a plugin is straight forward. This is what I have come up with:

module Jekyll
class ExtLinkTag < Liquid::Tag
@text = ''
@link = ''

def initialize(tag_name, markup, tokens)
if markup =~ /(.+)(\s+(https?:\S+))/i
@text = $1
@link = $3

def render(context)
output = super
"<a class='external' target='_blank' href='"+@link+"'>"+@text+"</a>"

Liquid::Template.register_tag('extlink', Jekyll::ExtLinkTag)

Example usage:

Exhibition at {% extlink Forum Stadtpark %}.

HTML output:

<p>Exhibition at <a class="external" target="_blank" href="">Forum Stadtpark</a>.</p>

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