How to Add Usr/Local/Bin to Path Environment Variable on Ubuntu 12.0.4

How to add usr/local/bin to path environment variable on ubuntu 12.0.4?

You can add this to your ~/.bashrc file:


If you don't know how, you can just execute this line in a Terminal:

echo "PATH=\$PATH:/usr/local/bin" >> ~/.bashrc

You can also check what's in your PATH by typing in the Terminal

echo $PATH

Add kafka path to /etc/environment file for kafka to be accessed globally. Add kafka path till bin folder

Open /etc/environment

1) vi /etc/environment

Add kafka home, extracted binary folder kafka

2) KAFKA_HOME="/kafka"

Set the path


Working with code outside of the Factor source tree

Ok, I was able to work out what I was doing wrong thanks to the earnest help of slava and erg on #concatenative.

Simply put, resource-path is not a way to test your factor roots. Like the docs say it "resolve[s] a path relative to the Factor source code location."

A more effective test is simply vocab-roots get, which will fetch the current list of vocab roots.

"/path/to/wherever" add-vocab-root will add /path/to/wherever to your list of vocab-roots, and allow you to do "/path/to/wherever" "project" scaffold-vocab so you can build scaffolding in the desired location.

As erg said:

i usually make another word, like

: scaffold-games ( vocab -- ) [ "/home/erg/games" ] dip scaffold-vocab ;
"minesweeper" scaffold-games

imagemagick is executed in /usr/bin but the new version is in /usr/local/bin - php exec path

Have you tried doing this?

exec('/usr/local/bin/convert ...

imagemagick is executed in /usr/bin but the new version is in /usr/local/bin - php exec path

Have you tried doing this?

exec('/usr/local/bin/convert ...

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