Will_Paginate Find Out If I'M on The Last Page

will_paginate find out if I'm on the last page

@collection.total_pages == @collection.current_page

will_paginate show the last page by default (keeping chronological order)

This is the solution I finally arrived to:

if params[:page]
@collection = @q.result(distinct: true).paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 30)
last_page = @q.result(distinct: true).paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 30).total_pages
@collection = @q.result(distinct: true).paginate(:page => last_page, :per_page => 30)

It's not fancy, it needs some refactoring and perhaps can use memoization to avoid calling the paginate method twice, but hey it works. If you are trying to access a page directly, it is rendered as usual, but if you don't specify a page, you are taken to the last page by default.

Displaying message on last page with will_paginate gem

One of the way to implement this is adding some conditions on view:

<% prev = (@posts.total_pages == @posts.current_page) ? '' : 'prev' %>
<%= will_paginate @posts, :page_links => false, :next_label => 'more', :previous_label => prev %>

(will_paginate) Find the page a record is in

HOWTO rank items by balance in Ruby on rails

How to fetch the first post when the last in reached in will_paginate and Rails 3?

WillPaginate actually lets you define the collection it uses directly with WillPaginate::Collection.create. I think a bit of code like the following should do the trick:

@posts = Post.offset((page - 1) * per_page).limit(per_page)
post_count = @posts.count
if post_count < per_page
@posts = @posts.all + Post.limit(per_page - post_count).all

# At this point you have an array of posts.
# Now we create the WillPaginate::Collection so will_paginate will work.

@posts = WillPaginate::Collection.create(page, per_page) do |pager|
pager.total_entries = Post.count

will_paginate not working on records retrieved with find

Perhaps this:

Bookmark.paginate(:conditions => {:id => [21,23]}, :page => 1)

Or Simpler:

Bookmark.where(:id => [21,31]).page(1)

will_paginate on array only displays first page of items

I think you missing page: params[:page] in index controller, this is how will_paginate know what page you currently now

def index
@items = Array.new
API.items.all! do |i|
@items << i
@paginated_items = @items.paginate(page:params[:page],per_page:25)

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