Aptana 3 and Ruby Debugging

How do I debug a Rails application in Aptana Studio 3?

Aptana Studio 3+ does have Ruby debugging. Other than breakpoints in HAML files misbehaving somewhat, I've been able to use this without any problems.

However, you must make certain that you have installed the gem ruby-debug-ide (you can install it with the command: gem install ruby-debug-ide).

To verify that the appropriate debug gems are installed, run gem list in your Terminal application of choice (not sure what platform you are on) and be sure it's there ... look for these lines in the output:

ruby-debug-base19 (0.11.25)

ruby-debug-ide (0.4.16)

Hope that helps!

Remote debugging Rails application in Aptana Studio 3

The old steps for Netbeans are relatively close since Aptana/RadRails and Netbeans share the same debugger core: http://blogs.oracle.com/martink/entry/remote_debugging_debug_whatever_ruby

Basically, run the ruby app using rdebug-ide -p 7000 (or whatever port you want), then inside the IDE, go to Run > Debug configurations. On the left hand side, select "Remote Ruby Debug Session" and then add a new configuration there (the plus icon above the list). Enter the proper host IP/name and port you entered on the command line.

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