Rails3 Activerecord::Statementinvalid:... No Such Table in Every Test

Rails3 ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid:... no such table in every test

It would be worth checking that your test database is set up correctly using the schema from your development database. You can achieve this with:

rake db:test:prepare

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQLException: no such table

The scaffold most probably generated a migration with a foreign_key: true on the references.

Check create_appointments migration file in db/migrate/ and remove it.

If you want to have a foreign key add:

add_foreign_key :appointments, :users, column: :doctor_id
add_foreign_key :appointments, :users, column: :patient_id


The foreign key constraint checks if the id that you are setting is present in the other table. If it is not, it will crash when you create a record.

rake aborted! ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQLException: no such table: Trouble Getting Rake Automation to Work

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQLException: no such table: items: SELECT "items".* FROM "items"

From the error message, it's obvious that the items table does not exist in your database right now. It got deleted somehow even if you did not delete it knowingly.

So, you should create the items table again by running the corresponding migration:

bundle exec rake db:migrate


Check the RAILS_ENV in which you are running this rake task. As the error is showing up, this means you don't have the items table present in your database (looks like it's your production database). Then, you have to run the migration in that RAILS_ENV to create the items table back:

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate

SQLite3::SQLException: no such table

I think you can do something like this:

t.references :host, references: :users, foreign_key: true

or alternatively

t.integer :host_id

and then

add_foreign_key :reviews, :users, column: :host_id

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid - SQLite3::SQLException: no such column

Well, the SQL problem is that the table name on your sort column is singular rather than plural.

i.e. "ORDER BY micropost.created_at" should read "ORDER BY microposts.created_at".

If you also post your Micropost and User model source code, I might be able to tell if this is caused by a bug in your model code or a bug in ActiveRecord.

Which version of Rails are you using?

How to fix SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: {table_name}.{singular_table_name}_id:

I found out the solution to my issue. In the Country model, I had a typo that said

class Country < ApplicationRecord
has_many :countries, dependent: :destroy
validates :code, presence: true, uniqueness: true

Which is why I was getting the Sqlite3 exception error; because the database assumed I should have a country_id since country has many countries, I think. Anyways, I changed countries above to cities, and it worked like a charm. Thanks for the help, SOS.

SQLite3 error when testing Cancan authorizations in Rails3 : no such table: abilities: DELETE FROM abilities WHERE 1=1

Problem solved: I had an abilities.yml fixture file. After deleting it, the error is gone.


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