Extend Model in Plugin with "Has_Many" Using a Module

Extend model in plugin with has_many using a module

I think this should work

module Qwerty
module Core
module Extensions
module User
# Instance Methods Go Here

# Class Methods
module ClassMethods
def relate
has_many :hits, :uniq => true # no method found

before_validation_on_create :generate_code # no method found

def something # works!

def self.included(base)

The old code is wrong cause the validation and the association are called upon module loading, and this module knows nothing about ActiveRecord. That's a general aspect of Ruby, code inside class or module bodies is called directly when loaded. You don't want that. To get around that you can use the above solution.

Polymorphic :has_many, :through as module in Rails 3.1 plugin

It turns out that adding :class_name to both :has_many definitions will actually work (someone commented on that, but they deleted their comment). It didn't work in my non-simplified program because of something else in my program that was causing a cascading error that SEEMED to be local to the :has_many definition.

Short story: It was a lot of trouble for something that wasn't actually a problem. Blech

How do I extend a model in Rails?

The problem you have now is that you are extending your class, not including a module into it, so the Sicada::Extensions::UbiquoUser#included method never gets called.

To fix this, change this line:

UbiquoUser.send(:extend, Sindicada::Extensions::UbiquoUser)


UbiquoUser.send(:include, Sindicada::Extensions::UbiquoUser)

How to extend a model in a Rails engine from another Rails engine?

Turns out I can do the following in the tickets_engine:

# contrived_app/vendor/plugins/tickets_engine/config/initializers/concert_extensions.rb
# or
# contrived_app/config/initializers/concert_extensions.rb
Rails.logger.info "\n~~~ Loading extensions to the Concert model from #{__FILE__}\n"

Concert.class_eval do
has_many :tickets

Personally, my preferred method is to extend the concert model from the tickets_engine, but load order and dependencies are important. i.e. tickets_engine would need to add a dependency on the concerts_engine in it's gemspec, and concert_engine would need to be loaded before tickets_engine.

How to extend a class from an initializer and have it reload in development environment?


config.to_prepare do
User.send :include, Qwerty::Core::Extensions::User

The code is the block is run before every request in development mode and once in production mode.

Extend instance method of model

include is a private method and cannot have an explicit receiver. You can get around this limitation by using send:

MyModel.send(:include, InstanceMethods)

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