Thor Executable - Ignore Task Name

Run a CLI Thor app without arguments or task name

It seems the proper Thor-way to do this is using default_task:

class Commands < Thor
desc "whatever", "The default task to run when no command is given"
def whatever
default_task :whatever

If for whatever reason that isn't what you need, you should be able to do something like

class Commands < Thor

if ARGV.empty?
# Perform the default, it doesn't have to be a Thor task
# Start Thor as usual

Namespacing thor commands in a standalone ruby executable

Another way of doing this is to use register:

class CLI < Thor
register(SubTask, 'sub', 'sub <command>', 'Description.')

class SubTask < Thor
desc "bar", "..."
def bar()
# ...


Now - assuming your executable is called foo - you can call:

$ foo sub bar

In the current thor version (0.15.0.rc2) there is a bug though, which causes the help texts to skip the namespace of sub commands:

$ foo sub
foo help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
foo bar #

You can fix that by overriding self.banner and explicitly setting the namespace.

class SubTask < Thor
namespace :sub

def bar ...

def self.banner(task, namespace = true, subcommand = false)
"#{basename} #{task.formatted_usage(self, true, subcommand)}"

The second parameter of formatted_usage is the only difference to the original implemtation of banner. You can also do this once and have other sub command thor classes inherit from SubTask. Now you get:

$ foo sub
foo sub help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
foo sub bar #

Hope that helps.

Is it possible to have a Thor method that is not an explicit task

I was able to use the no_tasks block for this.

class Update < Thor
desc "do_it", "a simple task"
def do_it
puts i_did_it

# no desc here !!!
no_tasks do
def i_did_it
"I did it"

How can I retrieve the current command name in a Thor method?

May be this would work:

def fun
puts __method__

#=> :fun

Also look in the caller method. It returns the current execution stack as a string.

Thor task list from within the class?

And of course, right after posting this question, I figure it out.

Foo.tasks would return a hash {task_name => [array of task info]}

ruby-thor calling multiple classes in a gem executable

How do you intend both of the different classes to work together? Do you want all the commands from each to be available? If so, can you just use a single class? Thor isn't designed to work this way. The reason you're getting the error is because the first time you call .start, an error will be thrown if the command isn't found.

If you're worried about having a particularly long class definition, you can separate the definition of each command into separate files but using the same class.

Is there a way to add hooks to a Thor class in order to run code before/after all commands?

Looks like there's no built-in way of doing such callbacks in the Thor gem. (I'd think this would be a popular feature, but maybe I'm looking at things the wrong way.)

An above comment points to a third-party solution, thor-hollaback, but I have not tried it.

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