Rails Fixtures Not Loading with Rspec

Rails Fixtures not loading with rspec

If you define fixtures as 'users', then the way to use them is via the method with the same name:

describe PagesController do
fixtures :users
it "should render index template on index call when logged in" do
session[:user_id] = users(:foo).id
get 'index'
response.should render_template('index')

The singular is only relevant to the class itself (User). Hope you still have some hair left if this is just a one letter bug.

Fixtures not loading in Rails test console

The fixture I had above was fine I just need to load the fixtures into the test database first with rails db:fixtures:load RAILS_ENV=test

Rails and Cucumber with Fixtures is not loading changes in Fixtures

Ok, maybe it was a silly question, but I would like to share the answer in case anyone else face this scenario in the future.

The answer is in the fixtures itself. They are created under spec directory, which means they are part of Rspec. Cucumber uses it but he doesn't reload them. So the way to see the changes reflected in Cucumber is simple executing Rspec, he will make the reloads.



bundle exec rspec

works to see the changes reflected in Cucumber.

RSpec fixtures not loading

Maybe this is done automatically now and you have solved it, but have you checked that your "spec/spec_helper.rb" contains:

# Remove this line if you're not using ActiveRecord or ActiveRecord fixtures
config.fixture_path = "#{::Rails.root}/spec/fixtures"


Nil Associations with Rails Fixtures... how to fix?

Problem with fixtures

Looking at what you've done, locations(:loc_paris) will find the record described in locations.yml, but locations(:loc_paris).retailer won't.

Rails Associations work like this:

locations(:loc_paris).retailer will look for the retailer with retailer_id mentioned in locations(:loc_paris) record. In your case retailer_id: 399879241 and there is no reseller with this id that's why it returns Nil.

Describe fixtures like this:

retailer_id: 1
name: "Paris"
nickname: "paris"

retailer_id: 2
name: "Washington"
nickname: "washington"

id: 1
name: "AcmeCo France"
nickname: "acmecofr"
currency_type: "EUR"

id: 2
name: "AcmeCo USA"
nickname: "acmecousa"
currency_type: "USD"

Now, locations(:loc_paris).retailer will look for the retailer with retailer_id mentioned in locations(:loc_paris) record i.e. retailer_id: 1 and there is a reseller ret_europe with this id. Problem Solved

When you run rspec, at first rspec saves these fixtures into your database with some auto-generated id values (if id not provided explicitly), that's why id and reseller_id are some random values. If you don't want the id of locations.yml record to be some random value, you can provide it yourself like this:

id: 1
retailer_id: 1
name: "Paris"
nickname: "paris"

As rspec runs in test environment (mentioned in app/spec/rails_helper.rb) and as I mentioned earlier whenever you run rspec, at first it saves the fixtures into your database. If your local and test database are same, fixtures will replace the actual database records of your database. In your case, records in locations and resellers table record will be completely erased and replaced with these fixtures. So, make different database for test environment.

Hope this answer is helpful

RSpec 2 doesn't seem to load any fixtures?

Try this:

ft = FundType.find_by_name("cash")
puts ft
puts ft.id

Verify your fixtures are in the directory:

 ls -1 db/fixtures

Verify your configuration:

RSpec.configure do |config|
config.mock_with :rspec
config.fixture_path = "#{::Rails.root}/db/fixtures"
config.use_transactional_fixtures = true
config.global_fixtures = :all

Credit to the page that was previously here:

Verify your test database comes up correctly:

 rake db:test:prepare

Then look at the test database. Did the fixtures get loaded?

How to load the rspec fixtures in to the database from the files

For database fixtures being available before the application boots, you need to execute this rake task:

RAILS_ENV=test FIXTURES_PATH="spec/fixtures" rails db:fixtures:load

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