How to Add MAC-Specific Gems to Bundle on MAC But Not on Linux

How to add Mac-specific gems to bundle on Mac but not on Linux?

Gemfile actually is a regular ruby file, so you can use something like

when /darwin/
gem 'foo'
when /win32/
gem 'bar'

Rails: Handling different gem versions for different operating systems

If anyone running into this. This was a known bug that was fixed in bundler version v2.2.11

From: How to change the version of bundler used in Cloud Functions deployment?

This is bundler's regression since bundler v2.2.8.

Fix is here:

How to clone a gem, fix it, add it to repo, bundle, and deploy with Rails


  1. Fork the project under your account on Github

  2. Make the changes you want

  3. Use gem 'gem_name', git: 'your_forked_project', branch: 'the_branch_you_working_on'

  4. Run bundle install

Bundler and Heroku with offline gems

Ok I figured out the issue. The Chilkat gem I'm using has OS-specific versions, and the version I unbundled in vendor/gems is for OSx won't work on Heroku/AWS. So even if the path would have worked correctly in Heroku, the gem itself would not.

The problem I face now is because the Chilkat gem is OS-specific, Bundler will generate a Gemfile.lock file specific to the OS on which bundle install was called (OSx in my case). That OSx-specific Gemfile.lock is incompatible with AWS's machines, so Heroku complains that I can't push the code since the Gemfile.lock is inconsistent with what is expected.

This appears to be a known issue with Bundler (How to add Mac-specific gems to bundle on Mac but not on Linux?). I could just avoid committing Gemfile.lock, but we rely on the version dependency management that Gemfile.lock provides. And I don't want to get all the developers on my team to switch to developing on Linux/Unix. Anyway that's a separate issue so I'm closing this for now. Thanks to the people who commented!

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