How to Get Rspec-2 to Give the Full Trace Associated with a Test Failure

How to get rspec-2 to give the full trace associated with a test failure?

You must run rspec with -b option to see full backtraces

How can you get rspec to print failed test backtraces *as* it is running?

You have two options:

1) fail fast

# spec/spec_helper.rb
RSpec.configure do |c|
c.fail_fast = true

..or use it from the command line

$ bundle exec rspec spec/ --fail-fast

1) Swinger should set the Capybara driver
Failure/Error: Capybara.current_driver.should_not == :rack_test

Finished in 0.00479 seconds
2 examples, 1 failure

Basically this option on error will stop the test suite and it will print the error.

2) use rspec-instafail gem

This gem will show failing spec instantly and it will continue running specs.

Example.txt file not getting updated if test is failed in before(:all) in Rspec

There was a exit present in after(:all) method in my code that is the reason example.txt was not getting updated

Rspec: Failure/Error: expect(qbase).to have_received(:with_user_id).with(1)

Solved with Dependency Injection

If there is a better solution, please post it.

Search Query

class Search
def, params, query_object_override = nil)
new(current_user, params, query_object_override).call

def initialize(current_user, params, query_object_override = nil)
@params = params
@current_user = current_user
@query_object = query_object_override

def call


def query_object
@query_object ||=

def base_filters(query_object)
query_object.with_user_id(@params[:user_id]) if @params[:user_id].present?

Rspec Test

RSpec.describe Search, type: :model do
describe "#base_filters" do
it "should call with_user_id method on query_object when user_id is passed in" do

current_user = create(:user)
query_object = spy('CarQuery'), {user_id: 1}, query_object)
expect(query_object).to have_received(:with_user_id )

Why are my view specs behaving inconsistently?

This is not a definitive answer: it appears that, for some weird reason, the evaluate method in the Nokogiri's Searchable module considers the concat() function as a custom XPath function instead of the internal XPath function.

External XPath functions are called as normal ruby methods in the context of the handler attribute of evaluate. Normally the handler is the SubstitutionContext class but in your case it seems that sometimes this gets the context of the TextHelper module where the concat method is defined, accepting just 1 parameter (whereas the XPath's concat() function accepts any number of parameters). I think that this can lead to the errors you observe.

Could you open the searchable.rb file (see the stack trace for its location) on this line and add before it some debug messages to inspect the contents of the following variables?

puts "ctx #{ctx.inspect}"
puts "path #{path.inspect}"
puts "handler #{handler.inspect}"
if handler.respond_to?(:concat)
puts "concat #{handler.method(:concat).inspect}"
puts "not responding to :concat"

Then, can you provide the output printed for one of the failing tests?

Update: the output showed that indeed the tests context was being polluted by the ActionView::TextHelpers module and in the end it turned out that there was a ActionView::Helpers module included in a model used in the tests.

What is wrong with this RSpec expectation?

You must not put a space between expect and the opening paren (.

The working code sample is as follows:

describe 'My code' do
it 'should work' do
expect( nil ).to be_nil
expect( "test" ).to eq( "test")

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