How to Generate Rdoc for (All Of) Rails

How do I generate RDOC for (all of) Rails?

The easiest I found was to just download them from and unpack the file into /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/doc/rails-2.3.3/rdoc/

creating Rdoc for a rails app

I added this to my Rakefile; :rdoc do |rdoc|
rdoc.main = "README.rdoc"

rdoc.rdoc_files.include("README.rdoc", "doc/*.rdoc", "app/**/*.rb", "lib/*.rb", "config/**/*.rb")
#change above to fit needs

rdoc.title = "App Documentation"
rdoc.options << "--all"

Then run;

rake rdoc

Check out the RDoc::Task docs for more

Admittedly I am on a rails 3 app, but I think this works the same.

How to rebuild rdoc for all the installed gems?

yard gems


sudo yard gems

should do the job. You may also want to use the --rebuild flag. If you want to run a local Yardoc server for your installed gems, then run

yard server -g

Get and install a new RDoc template

The one used at is the "Horo" template. You can find it here, along with instructions for using it (it's installed via a gem):

How can I install ri and rdoc files for gems afterwards?

# See the relevant help.
gem help rdoc

# Generate rdoc and ri for the "foo" gem.
gem rdoc --ri foo

# Generate rdoc for all installed gems.
gem rdoc --all

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