Factorygirl Association Model Trouble: "Systemstackerror: Stack Level Too Deep"

FactoryGirl association model trouble: SystemStackError: stack level too deep

According to the docs, you can't just put both sides of the associations into the factories. You'll need to use their after callback to set an object(s) to return.

For instance, in the factories/users/account.rb file, you put something like

after(:build) do |user_account, evaluator|
user_account.user = FactoryGirl.build(:user, :account=>user_account)

For has_many associations, you'll need to use their *_list functions.

after(:build) do |user_account, evaluator|
user_account.users = FactoryGirl.build_list(:user, 5, :account=>user_account)

Note: I believe the example in the docs is a bit misleading it doesn't assign anything to the object. I believe it should be something like (note the assignment).

# the after(:create) yields two values; the user instance itself and the
# evaluator, which stores all values from the factory, including ignored
# attributes; `create_list`'s second argument is the number of records
# to create and we make sure the user is associated properly to the post
after(:create) do |user, evaluator|
user.posts = FactoryGirl.create_list(:post, evaluator.posts_count, user: user)

Rspec and FactoryGirl: SystemStackError: stack level too deep

You're getting a "stack level too deep" error because you're defining both factories in terms of each other. You don't need the association :task, factory: task line in the question factory -- the association will be set when you create a task.

Try this for your task factory:

FactoryGirl.define do
factory :task do
questions { [ FactoryGirl.create(:question) ] }

Rails SystemStackError: stack level too deep

Let's take a look at your factories:

FactoryGirl.define do
factory :event do
name {Faker::Friends.character}
total_price 50
factory :participant do
first_name { Faker::Name.first_name }
salary 900

In this scenario, the creation of event will create a participant, that will create an event, that will create a participant. and so on, in an infinite loop (stack level too deep).

Perhaps you could change it to something like this:

FactoryGirl.define do
factory :event do
name {Faker::Friends.character}
total_price 50
participants { create_list(:participant, 3, event: self) }
factory :participant do
first_name { Faker::Name.first_name }
salary 900

Rspec and FactoryGirl: SystemStackError: stack level too deep rails

To setup associations you can just call the name of the factory:

FactoryGirl.define do
factory :user, aliases: [:participant] do
sequence(:email) { |n| "user#{n}@example.com" }
first_name { Faker::Name.first_name }
last_name { Faker::Name.last_name }
password 'testpass'
password_confirmation { password }

Never hardcode IDs into your factories - you're only setting yourself up for a world of hurt.

If you are using Rolify you can use a callback to add a role to a user instead:

FactoryGirl.define do
factory :user, aliases: [:participant] do
sequence(:email) { |n| "user#{n}@example.com" }
first_name { Faker::Name.first_name }
last_name { Faker::Name.last_name }
password 'testpass'
password_confirmation { password }
after(:create) { |user| user.add_role(:peasant) }

RSPEC and factory girl SystemStackError: stack level too deep

The problem line is this:

@user = Factory(:user)

You have a circular reference: your :user factory creates a :role and :admin factory. Then the :role and :admin factories each create another :user factory, which then creates yet another :role and :admin factory, and so on until you get a stack level too deep error.

You'll need to remove the associations from some of these. I'd recommend removing the role.association lines from both :role and :admin. Whenever you create a :user, it will still create the :role and :admin lines for you.

Rspec SystemStackError stack level too deep

You have a circular reference in your serialiser: the post tries to serialise its user, but the user serializer serializes the users posts, which then serialise the user etc.

There is a lengthy github issue about this issue in active_model_serializers 0.9.x. The issue is apparently fixed in 0.10, although that doesn't appear to be compatible with rails 3.x

A common technique appears to be to have 2 versions of the user serializer: one which includes posts and one which does not.

SystemStackError (stack level too deep) in Model

before_save is a callback. It runs every time you save an instance of Mine.

In assign_three_speed, you call self.update, which ends up up calling save. That save call triggers another callback cycle, and the loop continues forever (until it quits with the SystemStackError).

Try assigning three_speed in the callback instead (instead of updating). The change will persist to the database because the assignment occurs before the model is saved.

def assign_three_speed
if CreateFulfillmentService::NON_US_MARKETPLACES.include?(self.marketplace)
self.three_speed = false
self.three_speed = true

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