How to Access (Devise) Current_User in a Rspec Feature Test

Rspec/Rails 4, access current_user from Rspec.feature spec?


Don't use controller helpers in feature specs -- in BDD, you want the feature specs to do everything through the browser DSL (like Capybara). In your case, it would be better to write a separate helper method for signing in with Capybara (example below).


You want your feature spec to be from the perspective of the user. The user doesn't care how the controller creates a user session, and neither should your feature spec. It should stay within the domain of the spec type.

In your case, the better solution would be to write a another helper method (specifically for :feature specs) that signs the user in through Capybara methods, so that your entire feature test occurs from the same flow/perspective. Here's a generic helper method that I use in all my apps:

# spec/support/feature_helpers.rb
module FeatureHelpers
def sign_in
@user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
visit "/"
click_link "Sign In"
fill_in "user_email", with:
fill_in "user_password", with: @user.password
click_button "Sign in"

RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include FeatureHelpers, :type => :feature

Then, your spec would look something like this:

require "rails_helper"

RSpec.feature "Carpool Invitations", :type => :feature do
let!(:carpool) { FactoryGirl.create(:carpool)}
# you could still create a user here if you wanted

scenario "User sends a new carpool invite" do
visit new_carpool_invite_path(carpool)
fill_in "invite[to_user]", :with => ""
click_button "Send Invitation"
expect(page).to have_text("Invitation was successfully sent!")

RSpec + Capybara + Devise: current_user?

The devise wiki is correct for how to test while shortcutting logins, and no you can't just set current_user in your test code (nor can you access it since it's only set inside the request). Generally assume the error is in your usage of a gem, rather than a widely used and highly tested gem being defective.

With the description you've given there could be any number of reasons for it not actually logging in the user however the two most likely culprits are

  1. Do you actually have multiple scopes configured in Devise? or should it just be login_as(admin, :scope => :user) # equivalent to just login_as(admin)

  2. Is puma running your tests in single mode, or clustered mode? (You may need to disable the silencing of puma output rspec-rails does by default - - to see that in the test output) If it's not in single mode then the app is being run in a separate process than the tests which means Devise can't actually shortcircuit the login, and you need to fix the puma config.

Rspec. How to test current_user method

I'm assuming you're wrapping the current_user method from Devise (you're calling super) and you're using the devise test helper sign_in. It needs the scope or a user object as its first argument. Change your before in your test to:

before do
sign_in :user, user

or just:

before do
sign_in user

The default scope in Devise is :user and you don't need to tell sign_in unless it's different.

RSpec: how to stub inherited method current_user (w/o Devise)?

Also works

user = create(:user) #FactoryBot

allow(controller).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user)

RSpec accessing application_controller methods such as 'current_user'

rspec-rails gives you a controller method for use in controller examples. So:


ought to work.

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