Rails Adding Multiple Objects to an Empty Array

Rails adding multiple objects to an empty array

There's a lot going on in your code snippet that is making it not work (or at the very least is unnecessary). You shouldn't be creating a new array in every iteration of your loop. Something along the lines of this should be much better:

@players = @user.players
@teams = Array.new
@players.each do |player|
@teams << Team.find(player.team_id)

This will solve your original problem, but it's certainly not the best way of going about what you're trying to do. Add the following to your Player and User models:

class Player < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :team

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :players
has_many :teams, through: :players

Then, in order to get the teams you're looking for, you can simplify your code to the following:

@teams = @user.teams

You should try going through the documentation not only for ruby arrays, but also the Rails guide for Active Record Associations. Also, in the future try posting the snippet of code first, in order to provide more context to your issue.

Push objects into empty array, return filled array in instance variable. - RoR

If deals is array you can push it, you should add elements one by one.

@stores.each do |s|
if current_user.voted_for?(s)
s.deals.each { |d| @my_deals << d }


How do I add multiple elements to an array?

Using += operator:

arr = [1]
arr += [2, 3]
# => [1, 2, 3]

How use an array of strings to create multiple ActiveRecord objects at once?

You can create them in one go:

Day.create(days.map { |day| {name: day} })

create docs mentioned:

Creates an object (or multiple objects) and saves it to the database, if validations pass. The attributes parameter can be either a Hash or an Array of Hashes.

Pushing objects into an array is returning an empty array

Adding an instance variable queue to the board class solved this

class Board
def initialize(live_cell_count, queue)
@live_cell_count = live_cell_count
@queue = queue

def queue

Inserting queue.push(cell) in the conditional successfully appends each cell to the queue array.

def rules(cell)
if something
else something_else

Multiple objects from list of names in an array

Well the error message is pretty clear. You are passing params as a parameter into batch_kegs_ids, but that method is expecting no parameters. Besides, it looks like the batch_kegs_ids method is empty (no code). I'd remove that entirely (probably not supposed to be there anyways).

I'd also change the create_multiple method to

 def create_multiple
params[:batch_keg_ids].each do |id|
BatchKeg.create(keg_id: id, wholesale_inventory: true, taproom_inventory: true, hold_inventory: false, active: true, visible: true)
redirect_to batches_url

Append a key to all objects in array

You can change your params

params.dig(:data, :events)&.each { |event| event[:session_id] = session.ids }

After that you can call events_params

Don't forget to permit that params

def events_params
events: [
data: {},

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