Rails: Allowing a Partial to Only Be Rendered Once

Rails: allowing a partial to only be rendered once

You could make use of the instance variables. However, you have to ensure that the instance variables is bounded to the views only and will not be crashed.

Something like:

# in your view
<% @widget_partial_rendered_popovers ||= [] %>

<% popover_partials.each do |pp| %>
<% if !@widget_partial_rendered_popovers.include?(pp) %>
<% @widget_partial_rendered_popovers << pp %>
display the popover
<% end %>
<% end %>

If you are able to collect the popover things early in the controller, it would be cleaner to just render all the popovers in a place. As I don't know what's your exact structure is, I could just give you what you have required.

how to render partial on everything except a certain action

Replace your render with this:

<%= render 'layouts/header' unless @disable_nav %>

Then you can simply set disable_nav to true in any controller action you like:

def landing_page
@disable_nav = true

As a before_filter, which I'd encourage over the above:


def disable_nav
@disable_nav = true


before_filter :disable_nav, only: [:landing_page]

Rails render loads partial only

Well, finally solved my problem.
I replaced in my controller

render(:partial => 'users/downloads', locals: {user: user}, :layout => false) # rendering html:(

with something like

format.js {render(users/show.js.erb)} # should render js!

Rendering a partial N times instead of for each item in an array

When you do this...

{ ...
:smalls => [1],

...you still have an array: [1] is an array with one element, the integer 1 (just like [1, 2] is an array with two elements) . So first, you want to get rid of the arrays:

{ ...
:smalls => 1,
:mediums => 2,
:larges => 1,

For your view, when you use each you're saying, "do this one time for each item in the array." Since you now have a number, not an array, you can use times which, just like it sounds, means "do this N times":

<div id="small-field-set">
<% product[:smalls].times do %>
<%= render :partial => 'small', :locals => { :product => product, :small => "S" } %>
<% end %>

P.S. I'm not sure what the purpose of :small in the :locals hash is. Since your partial is called 'small' I'm guessing you don't need this, or can easily change your partial to get rid of it.

Rails: Render a View (not a partial) From Within a View

Rendering a non-partial view inside another view isn't exactly the Rails Way™. Your current solution is probably better, and not an uncommon approach. Rename it _body, or something else appropriate, if you feel weird about the the partial name being the same as the action.

However if your view can be shared, as it seems like it could in this case, you could just make it a layout.

This is facilitated by the fact that, somewhat against the principle of least surprise, Rails will render an html template for a js action if no js template exists. This means that you could remove both the js template, and the partial, and just create a layout entitled, for example, fadein.js.erb:

# yourviews/show.html.erb

# layouts/fadein.js.erb
$("#main").fadeIn("<%= escape_javascript(yield) %>");

# YourController.rb
def show
# ...
respond_to do |wants|
wants.js { render :layout => "fadein" }

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