Iterate JSON with Ruby and Get a Key,Value in an Array

Iterate JSON with Ruby and get a key,value in an array

json = JSON.parse(your_json)
values = { |_, v| { v[:PATH] => v[:ARTIFACTS].split(',') } }

You'll get the nice hash

'/tmp/pruebaAlvaro' => ['example1.jar', 'another_one.jar', ...],
'/tmp/pruebaAlvaro2' => [...]

And, you can iterate over it:

values.each do |path, artifacts|
artifacts.each do |artifact|
puts path
puts artifact

You'll get the same output, which you provided in the question

How to iterate through an JSON array to get a value of a key?

Like many Ruby answers there are a few ways to do it:


[1] pry(main)> require 'json'
=> true
[2] pry(main)> json = JSON.parse("[{\"id\":\"blahbla23sdlkjrwer2345\",\"name\":\"bar\"},{\"id\":\"aselrjdsfsomething\",\"name\":\"foo\"}]")

using #inject:

[5] pry(main)> json.inject([]) { |arr, entry| arr << entry['name'] ; arr }
=> ["bar", "foo"]

using #map as Nerian pointed out:

[6] pry(main)> { |entry| entry['name'] }
=> ["bar", "foo"]

using #collect:

[7] pry(main)> json.collect { |entry| entry['name'] }
=> ["bar", "foo"]

Some interesting benchmarks on the subject as well. I created an array with a million hashes in them and called the 3 methods above on it. #collect appears to be the fastest though the tests vary a bit from run to run.

       user     system      total        real
map 0.300000 0.020000 0.320000 ( 0.325673)
collect 0.260000 0.030000 0.290000 ( 0.285001)
inject 0.430000 0.010000 0.440000 ( 0.446080)

how to iterate through json result in ruby on rails?

You can use map to transform every element of a collection

def get_results
results = getJsonData(); { |item| item.merge("year" => 2000) }

In this case I'm adding a key "year" to your hashes with value 2000, it depends what you want to do

How to iterate through a JSON array in Rails

params["Schedule"] gets an hash, not an array. So your block will have a key (the day as a name) and an array

params["Schedule"].each do |day_name, day_schedule|
# to do

Iterate JSON array and find all matched values

You are almost there. Use =~ instead of == iy ou want to match a string with a regexp: do |i| 
i['identity-profiles'][0]['identities'][0]['value'] =~ /

Best way to iterate over JSON array with variable keys with jq/bash

One more variation

jq '[
| .FixedVersion //= ""
| .VulnerabilityID //= ""
| .InstalledVersion //= ""
]' file.json

How do you iterate over and retrieve values from a hash with arrays?

instagram.rb:23:in `[]': can't convert String into Integer (TypeError)

You're getting this error because in puts item["id"], item is an Array, not a Hash, so Ruby tries to convert what you put between [] into an integer index, but it can't because it's a string ("id").

This arises from the fact that json_output.body is a Hash. Take a second look at the example JSON response in the documentation:

{ "data" : [
{ "type" : "image",
// ...
"id" : "22699663",
"location" : null
// ...

This whole structure becomes a single Hash with one key, "data", so when you call @tags.each you're actually calling Hash#each, and since "data"'s value is an Array when you call item["id"] you're calling Array#[] with the wrong kind of parameter.

Long story short, what you actually want to do is probably this:

@tags = JSON.parse( json_output.body )[ "data" ]

..then @tags will be the Array you want instead of a Hash and you can iterate over its members like you wanted:

@tags.each do |item| 
puts item["id"]

Iterate over JSON Array in Rails5

Since 'k' is a hash, you need to access k['name'] and k['price'] to extract price and name.

Also when you use .each on an array, you normally only declare one block argument (You have two, k and v ).

You normally write 2 block arguments for Hashes (and lots of other Enumerable methods), which is possibly what you thought you were iterating over, but


is an array

Iterating through a array of hashes in Ruby (parsed JSON)

Your code seems to lack i variable (index) here, but actually you don't need it, since you can always use map function to achieve idiomatic Ruby code:

require "json"

response = '{
"results": [
"zip": "08225",
"city": "Northfield",
"county": "Atlantic",
"state": "NJ",
"distance": "0.0"
"zip": "08221",
"city": "Linwood",
"county": "Atlantic",
"state": "NJ",
"distance": "1.8"

parsed_response = JSON.parse(response)
zipcode_array = parsed_response["results"].map { |address| address["zip"] }

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