Rails Search Query Associated Model

Rails Search Query Associated Model

Assuming that by following Rails convention you have tables named dogs for Dog model and owners for Owner model.

Update the search method as below:

  def self.search(search)
if search
joins(:owner).where('dogs.name LIKE ? or owners.name LIKE ?', "%#{search}%", "%#{search}%")

You need a join query between dogs and owners table in order to access owners.name field

Rails 5. How to search in associated models?

Try this:

@countries = Country.joins(:cities).where("cities.name LIKE ?", "%#{params[:search]}%")

Query to get all data from associated model on rails

You can use select
to select the fields that you want:

User.joins(:student_profile).select('users.*, student_profiles.*')

* is for selecting all fields

Or Choosing specific fields from student_profiles table:

.select('users.*, student_profiles.first_name, student_profiles.last_name')

But I would suggest reading about active model serializers since you dealing with JSON.

Rails querying an associated models scope

As i understand, you need to select categories with posts visible to an user. For that you need to do two things:

  1. Make mapping between user’s roles and post’s visible scopes
  2. Select categories for posts visible by user. In your case it’s easier to select that categories in two queries, without joins.

Try this code:

class Category < ApplicationRecord
has_many :posts

scope :with_posts_for_user, -> (user) do
where(id: Post.categories_for_user(user))

class Post < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :category

scope :frontend_visible, -> { where(:state => ['approved', 'changes_pending_approval']) }
scope :member_visible, -> { where(:state => ['approved', 'changes_pending_approval', 'private']) }

scope :categories_for_user, -> (user) do
(user.member? ? member_visible : frontend_visible).distinct.pluck(:category_id)

Active record query using associated model scope

You might need to do something like:


Rails App: How do I use a simple search method to search through associated models?

Assuming ParticipantDetail belongs_to :participant, and Participant has_one :participant_detail, use an INNER JOIN

.select('participant_details.f_name, participant_details.l_name')
.where('participants.email ILIKE :search OR participant_details.f_name ILIKE :search OR participant_details.l_name ILIKE :search', search: terms)

Rails query associated model

Locations for particular region

Location.joins(:region).where(regions: {id: 5}) 

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