Ruby: Calculate Time Difference Between 2 Times

Ruby: Calculate time difference between 2 times

I don't understand why you think it should return 4 hours or why it does return 22 hours. 20 hours would be correct for your example:

require 'time'

a = Time.parse('2015-12-31 22:00:00 +0100')
b = Time.parse('2015-12-31 02:00:00 +0100')

a - b
#=> 72000.0 # difference in seconds

(a - b) / 3600
#=> 20.0 # difference in hours

Update: It seems like you are dealing only with the time portion and not with the actual date. And I assume the maximum difference you will have to deal with is 24 hours:

def time_difference(time_a, time_b)
difference = time_b - time_a

if difference > 0
24 * 3600 + difference

a = Time.parse('2015-12-31 22:00:00 +0100')
b = Time.parse('2015-12-31 02:00:00 +0100')
time_difference(a, b) / 3600
# => 4 # hours

a = Time.parse('2015-12-31 02:00:00 +0100')
b = Time.parse('2015-12-31 22:00:00 +0100')
time_difference(a, b) / 3600
# => 20 # hours

Calculating difference in time between two Time objects

This should work:

hours = ((created - updated) / 1.hour).round

Related question: Rails Time difference in hours

Difference in hours between 2 DateTime

First of all, from the docs:

So when should you use DateTime in Ruby and when should you use Time? Almost certainly you’ll want to use Time since your app is probably dealing with current dates and times. However, if you need to deal with dates and times in a historical context you’ll want to use DateTime...

If you want to continue using DateTime, its subtraction method gives you the difference in fractions of a day, 1, 3) -, 1, 1)
# (2/1)

Getting that into hours is actually kind of impossible because there aren't always 24 hours per day. You need to convert to Time objects to get the difference in seconds, then convert from seconds to hours

diff_in_hours = (dt1.to_time - dt2.to_time) / 3_600

Number of days between two Time instances

Difference of two times is in seconds. Divide it by number of seconds in 24 hours.

(t1 - t2).to_i / (24 * 60 * 60)

How to find the difference between two time in ruby?

If you want it in seconds, you can just convert both to time stamps, and then subtract

time_difference_in_sec = ( - @given_time.to_time.to_i).abs

Else you wind up dealing with rational numbers, and the like as seen in the other answers..

Get difference between 2 hours

I'm not sure I'm getting completely the point, but maybe this could work for you:

Given the times, without converting to string.

my_time = '2019-02-24 16:52'
a = Time.parse(my_time)
b = Time.utc(,,,,

With Ruby 2.6.1 (Object#then):

[ ( Time.parse(a.to_s.split[1]) - Time.parse(b.to_s.split[1]) ) / 3600 ].then { |delta| delta[0] < 0 ? 24 + delta[0] : delta[0] }

With Ruby 2.5 use Object#yield_self.

Time difference in hours

((date_2 - date_1) / 3600).round


((date_2 - date_1) / 1.hour).round

how to get time difference in minutes in rails for two date time fields?

As created_at and updated_at are of type DateTime, this should work.

created = article.created_at
updated = article.updated_at
minutes = ((updated - created) * 24 * 60).to_i


Subtracting two DateTimes returns the elapsed time in days. In the below example e-d will return (28807336643183/28800000000000). So to convert this into minutes, we need to multiply it by 24*60(As the day has 24 hours and each hour has 60 minutes)


d =
=> Tue, 13 Jun 2017 10:21:59 +0530
2.3.3 :003 > e = +
=> Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:22:21 +0530
g = ((e-d) * 24 * 60).to_i
=> 1440

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