Rails Not Working for New Project. Showingerror " Superclass Mismatch for Class Cipher (Typeerror)"

How to initialize rails 5.1 environment from ruby script for clockwork

Issue was that I had two versions of the openssl gem trying to be loaded at the same time.

doing a gem list showed: openssl (2.0.5, default: 2.0.3)

Reverting to the default version fixed the problem:

gem uninstall openssl -v 2.0.5
gem install openssl -v 2.0.3

The action 'index' could not be found, but it's defined

Restarting the rails server solved this issue. Thanks @sergio-tulentsev

need to install rails per new version or app?

You need to install Rails per each version of Ruby on your machine and you need to install each version of Rails that is required by apps running under a specific version of Ruby.

Therefore you need to run

bundle install

after downloading your application to install all required dependencies for the current Ruby version.

Rails project directory not visible in Finder OS X 10.9?

$ cd <rails proj dir>
$ ls -l # verify that you can see your projects
$ open . # Will open that directory in Finder.

application_record model is generated

I believe you've misunderstood the release notes.

When you create a new app, the models directory is created and ApplicationRecord is created in the models directory. But, you see, you haven't generated any models yet. That will happen when you do rails g model ....

When you (eventually) do rails g model ..., then (as stated in the release notes), ApplicationRecord will not be generated because it was already generated when you created the app.

db:local:sync doesn't work after updating ruby 2.2.2 to 2.3.3

Check your app/bin folder. If you open bundle file from bin folder, and the first line is #!/usr/bin/env ruby.exe, try replacing it with:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

If that doesn't work check rails file from the same folder, and do the same like mentioned above.

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