How to Get a Date from Date_Select or Select_Date in Rails

How to get a Date from date_select or select_date in Rails?

Using date_select gives you 3 separate key/value pairs for the day, month, and year respectively. So you can pass them into as parameters to create a new Date object.

An example date_select returned params for an Event model:


Then to create the new Date object:

event = params[:event]
date = event["date(1i)"].to_i, event["date(2i)"].to_i, event["date(3i)"].to_i

You may instead decide to wrap this logic in a method:

def flatten_date_array hash
%w(1 2 3).map { |e| hash["date(#{e}i)"].to_i }

And then call it as date = *flatten_date_array params[:event]. But this is not logic that truly belongs in a controller, so you may decide to move it elsewhere. You could even extend this onto the Date class, and call it as date = Date.new_from_hash params[:event].

Ruby on Rails Select with date range

range = ( { |user| range.cover?(user.created_at) }

Rails ActiveRecord - Select all objects by date, using only day, month, year, but ignoring the rest of the date's components

You can use Date#beginning_of_day and Date.end_of_day both provided by ActiveSupport core extensions.

d = '2019-01-20'.to_date 

This will not necessarily compare "...the date by day, month and year." but instead it will create a between clause that encompasses the entire day. If you want to use the Hash finder syntax this is probably the best way to go about it.

You could go with


If you really only want to compare the day, month and year.

Option 1 will result in

 events.created_at BETWEEN '2019-01-20 00:00:00' AND '2019-01-20 23:59:59'

Option 2 will result in

 CAST(events.created_at AS DATE) = '2019-01-20'

Get Rails Date Select Form Helper to display on a single line

Have you tried

float: left;
width: 150px;

The width has to be fixed with float left to make elements "follow" each other.

rails: select record if current date is between two date and show in view

data._mess_price is an array, so you either have to return the first element in the array:

var messPrice = data._mess_price[0];

or make sure that data._mess_price is not an array by using first at the end of your ActiveRecord call:

@mess_current_price = MessPrice.where('mess_id = ? AND DATE(?) BETWEEN start_date AND end_date', @mess.mess_id, @today).first

There is nothing wrong with the way you're using BETWEEN. The query works fine.

I want a date select box with blank values selected by default

Far easier to do this:

<%= f.date_select :featured_at, {:include_blank => true, :default => nil} %>

Rails - How to select the last date in a table?

You have to order by the date and select a single record:

<%= Reklamer.where(name: 'Lars').order('dato DESC').first %>

You can accomplish this by limiting to a single record as well:

Reklamer.where(name: 'Lars').order('dato DESC').limit(1)

If you just want the last date from the last entry, you can do this:

Reklamer.where(name: 'Lars').last.dato

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