Pass a Variable into a Partial, Rails 3

Pass a variable into a partial, rails 3?

Try this:

<% @posts.each do |post| %>
<%= render 'middle', :post => post %>
<% end %>

Like this you'll have a local variable post available within the partial.

Rails 6 pass variable to partial

Because you are not using the value you are passing to the partial.

Also, you need to pass both the variables

Try replacing the partial with the following

# app/views/admin/conversations/_show.html.erb
<%= render 'messages/new', messageable_id:, messageable_type: "#{}" %>

and use them

# app/views/messages/_new.html.erb
<%= simple_form_for [@conversation, @message] do |f| %>
<%= f.text_area :body %>
<%= f.text_field :messageable_id, value: messageable_id, type: "hidden" %>
<%= f.text_field :messageable_type, value: messageable_type, type: "hidden" %>
<%= f.submit "Send Reply" %>
<% end %>

NOTE: If you want the _new partial to render on its own as well

replace it with something like this:

<% messageable_id ||= %>
<% messageable_type ||= "#{}" %>
<%= f.text_field :messageable_id, value: messageable_id, type: "hidden" %>

Passing variable to partial

If you use the short version, you need to drop the locals option

= render 'offershort', offer: o


= render partial: 'offershort', locals: { offer: o }

Ruby on Rails - Passing variables to a partial within a partial

 <%= render :partial => 'likes/like_button', :locals =>{:feed_item => feed_item} %>

Rails has got some awesome documention

In toggle.js

 $("#like").html("<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => 'likes/like_button', :locals =>{:feed_item => @feed}) %>");

How to pass an instance variable into a view partial?

Assign whatever variable you want to posts

<%= render "posts", posts: @featured_posts %>

And now loop over posts in the partial. You will have @featured_posts in posts variable now

<% posts.each do |post| %>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<div class="thumbnail">
<img src="#">
<div class="caption">
<h4><%= link_to post.title, post %></h4>
<%= post.text.truncate_words(60, omission: '...') %>
<a href="#" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button">Button</a>
<% end %>

For @recommended_posts render the same partial but pass @recommended_posts to posts

<%= render "posts", posts: @recommended_posts %>

rails 3 render partial with params

The syntax to pass a variable @foo to a partial is this:

render :partial => "partial", :locals => { :foo => @foo }

Then it is available in the partial as foo.

See section 3.4.4 of this guide.

EDIT: Since Rails 3.?.?, a more concise version is this:

render "partial", foo: @foo

passing values to partial in rails 3

If you have something that has to be displayed across all your views you can also create a application_helper method, Example: banner('Text', 'Content')

Try this:

Main page:

<%= render :partial => 'layouts/test',
:locals => {:text_1 => t(:'text_1'), :text_2 => t(:'text_2')}


<%= text_1 %> <%= text_2 %>

Passing local variable to partial inside for each loop rails 3

I've tried something like below and it worked

<%= render :partial => 'party', :object => party  %>

and I can access like the local variable is named after the partial name which is party here.

Note: Im assuming that your both partials are of parties_controller. So this should work.

Here is what ive tried with again

class PostsController < ApplicationController
#... ...
def index
@posts = Post.all
@comments = Comment.all #<---- Loading comments from PostsController
#... ...


<% @comments.each do |comment| %>
<%= render :partial=>"comments/comment", :object=>comment %>
<% end %>


<%= comment.body %>

And its working :)

passing variable from controller to partial view rails

For passing instance variables to partials you can use the locals:

# view from
<%= render partial: 'skillsetdata', locals: { skills_set_data: @skillSetData } %>

While in the local you receive the value of that instance variable, which is now a local one:

# partial
<% skills_set_data.each do |single_skill| %>
<option value="<%= single_skill.skillname %>">
<%=single_skill.skillname %>
<% end %>

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