How to Downgrade Rubygems

How do you downgrade rubygems?

Updated November 2011: Now that RVM's out, try running rvm install rubygems <version>.

How do I downgrade to an old version of compass using gem install?

sudo gem install compass --version versionnumber

What's the proper way to downgrade a gem?

gem "factory_girl", "2.0.0.rc1", :group => :test

in your gem file, and then run

bundle update factory_girl

How to downgrade bundler or upgrade rails?

Try the following commands:

gem uninstall bundler
gem install bundler --version '1.0.0'

How to downgrade application from Ruby 2.0.0 to 1.9.3

Do a commit in what ever versioning system you are using so you can roll back if needed. You should also update your ruby 1.9.3 to the latest 1.9.3-484.

rvm get stable
rvm upgrade 1.9.3

Uninstall your json gem

gem uninstall json

It may warn about dependencies, that should be OK since you will reinstall. Now bundle:

bundle install

You may have to do this with other gems until any that have different versions or dependencies based on the ruby version are installed in that environment.


Since it isn't working for you and I can create a Rails 4.0.2 app on Ruby 1.9.3-p484 and run the server with json(1.8.1) just fine I would try this:

Create a new directory for your project, cd into that directory, then set rvm to use the right ruby:

rvm use ruby-1.9.3-p484

then install rails for that gem set

gem install rails

Now create a new rails app with the same name as your old one

rails new ....

Then copy all of your application's files over to the new rails app. I think you could just overwrite everything. Don't copy over the Gemfile.lock file. In the new app's directory run

bundle install

this should add any gems you are missing in the new environment's gem set.

Mismatched ruby version after downgrade from 2.4.1 to 2.3.3 while running bundle install

Gem installation is specific to ruby version, so the bundler you're using is likely installed to your old ruby. Try installing bundler again:

gem install bundler

That should fix your problem.

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