How to Make an Http Get With Modified Headers

How to make an HTTP GET with modified headers?

Created a solution that worked for me (worked very well) - this example getting a range offset:

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

size = 1000 #the last offset (for the range header)
uri = URI("http://localhost:80/index.html")
http =, uri.port)
headers = {
'Range' => "bytes=#{size}-"
path = uri.path.empty? ? "/" : uri.path

#test to ensure that the request will be valid - first get the head
code = http.head(path, headers).code.to_i
if (code >= 200 && code < 300) then

#the data is available...
http.get(uri.path, headers) do |chunk|
#provided the data is good, print it...
print chunk unless chunk =~ />416.+Range/

How to modify http headers

I use supertest and supertest-as-promised for API testing via Protractor. So I do a GET on my OAuth endpoint, store the token in a variable, then in the rest of my API calls, do request.get(url).set('Authorization', auth.tokenType + ' ' + auth.token);.

So one way you might be able to do this is use something like supertest to get a token, and then browser.manage().addCookie() to set it in your browser session.

Can I change the headers of the HTTP request sent by the browser?

I don't think it's possible to do it in the way you are trying to do it.

Indication of the accepted data format is usually done through adding the extension to the resource name. So, if you have resource like


and GET /resources/resource returns its HTML representation, to indicate that you want its XML representation instead, you can use following pattern:


You have to do the accepted content type determination magic on the server side, then.

Or use Javascript as James suggests.

How I add Headers to http.get or in Typescript and angular 2?

You can define a Headers object with a dictionary of HTTP key/value pairs, and then pass it in as an argument to http.get() and like this:

const headerDict = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type',

const requestOptions = {
headers: new Headers(headerDict),

return this.http.get(this.heroesUrl, requestOptions)

Or, if it's a POST request:

const data = JSON.stringify(heroData);
return, data, requestOptions);

Since Angular 7 and up you have to use HttpHeaders class instead of Headers:

const requestOptions = {                                                                                                                                                                                 
headers: new HttpHeaders(headerDict),

How to set headers in http get request?

The Header field of the Request is public. You may do this :

req.Header.Set("name", "value")

Angular - Set headers for every request

To answer, you question you could provide a service that wraps the original Http object from Angular. Something like described below.

import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {Http, Headers} from '@angular/http';

export class HttpClient {

constructor(private http: Http) {}

createAuthorizationHeader(headers: Headers) {
headers.append('Authorization', 'Basic ' +

get(url) {
let headers = new Headers();
return this.http.get(url, {
headers: headers

post(url, data) {
let headers = new Headers();
return, data, {
headers: headers

And instead of injecting the Http object you could inject this one (HttpClient).

import { HttpClient } from './http-client';

export class MyComponent {
// Notice we inject "our" HttpClient here, naming it Http so it's easier
constructor(http: HttpClient) {
this.http = httpClient;

handleSomething() {, data).subscribe(result => {
// console.log( result );

I also think that something could be done using multi providers for the Http class by providing your own class extending the Http one... See this link:

Make browser submit additional HTTP-Header if click on hyperlink

The only modern 'sane' option here is to use a ServiceWorker.

A ServiceWorker can intercept HTTP requests for a domain you control and decorate it with more headers.

A ServiceWorker works 'outside' of a browser tab, and if multiple tabs are open with the same website, the same serviceworker will be used for all of them.

A full tutorial on how to accomplish that is definitely too much for this answer box, but intercepting and doing stuff with HTTP requests is a big use-case, so off-site sources will usually have this as an example.

I would say that this is kind of a bad idea. If you think you need this, maybe you can handle this in a different way. A common way to do this might be using cookies instead.

Send HTTP GET request with header

Here's a code excerpt we're using in our app to set request headers. You'll note we set the CONTENT_TYPE header only on a POST or PUT, but the general method of adding headers (via a request interceptor) is used for GET as well.

* HTTP request types
public static final int POST_TYPE = 1;
public static final int GET_TYPE = 2;
public static final int PUT_TYPE = 3;
public static final int DELETE_TYPE = 4;

* HTTP request header constants
public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type";
public static final String ACCEPT_ENCODING = "Accept-Encoding";
public static final String CONTENT_ENCODING = "Content-Encoding";
public static final String ENCODING_GZIP = "gzip";
public static final String MIME_FORM_ENCODED = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
public static final String MIME_TEXT_PLAIN = "text/plain";

private InputStream performRequest(final String contentType, final String url, final String user, final String pass,
final Map<String, String> headers, final Map<String, String> params, final int requestType)
throws IOException {

DefaultHttpClient client = HTTPClientFactory.newClient();

client.getParams().setParameter(HttpProtocolParams.USER_AGENT, mUserAgent);

// add user and pass to client credentials if present
if ((user != null) && (pass != null)) {
client.getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials(user, pass));

// process headers using request interceptor
final Map<String, String> sendHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();
if ((headers != null) && (headers.size() > 0)) {
if (requestType == HTTPRequestHelper.POST_TYPE || requestType == HTTPRequestHelper.PUT_TYPE ) {
sendHeaders.put(HTTPRequestHelper.CONTENT_TYPE, contentType);
// request gzip encoding for response
sendHeaders.put(HTTPRequestHelper.ACCEPT_ENCODING, HTTPRequestHelper.ENCODING_GZIP);

if (sendHeaders.size() > 0) {
client.addRequestInterceptor(new HttpRequestInterceptor() {

public void process(final HttpRequest request, final HttpContext context) throws HttpException,
IOException {
for (String key : sendHeaders.keySet()) {
if (!request.containsHeader(key)) {
request.addHeader(key, sendHeaders.get(key));

//.... code omitted ....//


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