How to Find Best Matching Element in Array of Numbers

How can I find matching values in two arrays?

Naturally, my approach was to loop through the first array once and check the index of each value in the second array. If the index is > -1, then push it onto the returned array.

​Array.prototype.diff = function(arr2) {
var ret = [];
for(var i in this) {
if(arr2.indexOf(this[i]) > -1){
return ret;

My solution doesn't use two loops like others do so it may run a bit faster. If you want to avoid using, you can sort both arrays first to reindex all their values:

Array.prototype.diff = function(arr2) {
var ret = [];
for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) {
if(arr2.indexOf(this[i]) > -1){
return ret;

Usage would look like:

var array1 = ["cat", "sum","fun", "run", "hut"];
var array2 = ["bat", "cat","dog","sun", "hut", "gut"];


If you have an issue/problem with extending the Array prototype, you could easily change this to a function.

var diff = function(arr, arr2) {

And you'd change anywhere where the func originally said this to arr2.

how to find best matching element in array of numbers?

xs = ["77.5", "80", "82.5", "85", "87.5", "90", "95", "100", "105"]
xs.min_by { |x| (x.to_f - 82.4).abs }
#=> "82.5"

Find all matching elements with in an array of objects

Two things: first, Array.find() returns the first matching element, undefined if it finds nothing. Array.filter returns a new array containing all matching elements, [] if it matches nothing.

Second thing, if you want to match 4,5, you have to look into the string instead of making a strict comparison. To make that happen we use indexOf which is returning the position of the matching string, or -1 if it matches nothing.


const arr = [
name: 'string 1',
arrayWithvalue: '1,2',
other: 'that',
name: 'string 2',
arrayWithvalue: '2',
other: 'that',
name: 'string 2',
arrayWithvalue: '2,3',
other: 'that',
name: 'string 2',
arrayWithvalue: '4,5',
other: 'that',
name: 'string 2',
arrayWithvalue: '4',
other: 'that',

const items = arr.filter(item => item.arrayWithvalue.indexOf('4') !== -1);


How to find the best match for an object in an array?

Linear search:


function FindBestMatch( a, item )
var bestIndex = null;
var bestNumMatch = -1;
var bestNumMismatch = 0;
var numItemElements = item.length;
for (var i in a)
for (var numMatch=0; numMatch<numItemElements; numMatch++)
if (a[i][numMatch]!=item[numMatch]) break;
var numMismatch = a[i].length - numMatch;
if (numMatch==numItemElements && !numMismatch) return i;
if (numMatch>bestNumMatch
|| (numMatch==bestNumMatch && numMismatch<bestNumMismatch))
bestIndex = i;
bestNumMatch = numMatch;
bestNumMismatch = numMismatch;
return bestIndex;

var myArray = [
[ 'UserA', 'Bob Smith', 12345, 'hello' ],
[ 'UserA', 'Bob Smith', 12345 ],
[ 'UserA', 'Bob Smith', 123 ],
[ 'UserA', 'Bob Smith' ],
[ 'UserA', 'Bob Smith', 12345, 'hello' ]

var someItem = [ 'UserA', 'Bob Smith', 2222 ];

var i = FindBestMatch(myArray,someItem);

alert("The best match is number "+i+":\n\n"+myArray[i].join(" | "));


Best way to find matching id's in an array of objects?

I would combine the filter and map array methods. Use filter to get a list of genres that are in your movies array, then use map to convert that to a list of names.


const movies = [28, 14, 100, 53, 37]
const genres = [ {id: 28, name: "Action"}, {id: 10770, name: "TV Movie"}, {id: 53, name: "Thriller"}, {id: 10752, name: "War"}, {id: 37, name: "Western"} ]
// I would like to return an array of the matching ids. example [ 'Action', 'Thriller', 'Western' ].
console.log(genres.filter(g => movies.includes( =>

How to compare two arrays and find best match?

f = pow(arrX[0]-findarr[0],2) + pow(arrX[1]-findarr[1],2) + pow(arrX[2]-findarr[2],2);

pow(x,2) == x*x

So, "the best match" will be array, with smallest f

Best way to search for repeated values in a Multidimensional array in javascript

You can write a generic groupAdjacent function. It has two parameters -

  1. t - the input array
  2. equal - a function to test if elements are considered adjacent
function groupAdjacent(t, equal)
{ function* run (r, q, i)
{ if (i >= t.length)
return yield [...r, q]
if (equal(q, t[i]))
return yield* run([...r, q], t[i], i + 1)
yield [...r, q]
yield* run([], t[i], i + 1)
return t.length
? Array.from(run([], t[0], 1))
: []

Next we define two functions specific to your particular teams data -

  1. teamAdjacent - determines what makes a team adjacency
  2. teamSort - compares two teams for sorting
const teamAdjacent = (a, b) =>
a[1] == b[1] && a[2] == b[2] // w/l is equal

const teamSort = (a, b) =>
a[3] - b[3] // sort by sortKey, ascending

Finally we tie everything together. groupAdjacent creates an array of groups, then we .sort each group, and lastly call .flat to return an un-grouped result -

const result =
groupAdjacent(teams, teamAdjacent)
.map(_ => _.sort(teamSort))

['Team A', 25, 2, 88]
['Team D', 20, 7, 54]
['Team E', 20, 7, 65]
['Team C', 20, 7, 76]
['Team B', 20, 7, 84]
['Team F', 20, 6, 34]
['Team G', 19, 8, 67]
['Team H', 20, 7, 11]
['Team N', 3, 24, 33]

Expand the snippet to verify the results in your own browser -

function groupAdjacent(t, equal)
{ function* run (r, q, i)
{ if (i >= t.length)
return yield [...r, q]
if (equal(q, t[i]))
return yield* run([...r, q], t[i], i + 1)
yield [...r, q]
yield* run([], t[i], i + 1)
return t.length
? Array.from(run([], t[0], 1))
: []

const teamAdjacent = (a, b) =>
a[1] == b[1] && a[2] == b[2] // w/l is equal

const teamSort = (a, b) =>
a[3] - b[3] // sort by sortKey, ascending

const teams =
[ ['Team A', 25, 2, 88]
, ['Team B', 20, 7, 84]
, ['Team C', 20, 7, 76]
, ['Team D', 20, 7, 54]
, ['Team E', 20, 7, 65]
, ['Team F', 20, 6, 34]
, ['Team G', 19, 8, 67]
, ['Team H', 20, 7, 11]
, ['Team N', 3, 24, 33]

const result =
groupAdjacent(teams, teamAdjacent)
.map(_ => _.sort(teamSort))


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