Is There a Workaround to Open Urls Containing Underscores in Ruby

Is there a workaround to open URLs containing underscores in Ruby?

This looks like a bug in URI, and uri-open, HTTParty and many other gems make use of URI.parse.

Here's a workaround:

require 'net/http'
require 'open-uri'

def hopen(url)
rescue URI::InvalidURIError
host = url.match(".+\:\/\/([^\/]+)")[1]
path = url.partition(host)[2] || "/"
Net::HTTP.get host, path

resp = hopen("")

Routes with Dash `-` Instead of Underscore `_` in Ruby on Rails

With Rails 3 and later you can do like this:

resources :user_bundles, :path => '/user-bundles'

Another option is to modify Rails, via an initializer.
I don't recommend this though, since it may break in future versions (edit: doesn't work in Rails 5).

Using :path as shown above is better.

# Using private APIs is not recommended and may break in future Rails versions.
# config/initializers/adjust-route-paths.rb
module ActionDispatch
module Routing
class Mapper
module Resources
class Resource
def path

RoR: How to retain underscore from URL parameters

The accepted solution (in comments) was using - instead of _ and replace - to _ in the controller.

Ruby : cannot open a link that works in a web browser

Using OpenURI is fine in a pinch, but you'd be better served by a more robust networking library like Net::HTTP or Typhoeus:

response = Typhoeus.get('[manga-rain]._manga_rain_bleach_ch116_01.jpg?token=24530ad3411b28ed7f5ef17f932e8713&ttl=1494853200')
response.body #=> binary image data

(Note: tested this before sharing — it loads fine)

Strange underscore param in remote links

it's a cache buster. It's also used in development mode, so to avoid getting an old request from the browser cache.

(unfortunately, all the explanations I found are realated to advertisement :S)

Ruby Convert string into undescore, avoid the / in the resulting string


"CommonCar::RedTrunk".gsub(':', '').underscore


"CommonCar::RedTrunk".sub('::', '').underscore


"CommonCar::RedTrunk".tr(':', '').underscore


Or turn any of these around and do the underscore() first, followed by whatever method you want to use to replace "/" with "_".


While all of these methods look basically the same, there are subtle differences that can be very impactful.

In short:

  • gsub() – uses a regex to do pattern matching, therefore, it's finding any occurrence of ":" and replacing it with "".

  • sub() – uses a regex to do pattern matching, similarly to gsub(), with the exception that it's only finding the first occurrence (the "g" in gsub() meaning "global"). This is why when using that method, it was necessary to use "::", otherwise a single ":" would have been left. Keep in mind with this method, it will only work with a single-nested namespace. Meaning "CommonCar::RedTrunk::BigWheels" would have been transformed to "CommonCarRedTrunk::BigWheels".

  • tr() – uses the string parameters as arrays of single character replacments. In this case, because we're only replacing a single character, it'll work identically to gsub(). However, if you wanted to replace "on" with "EX", for example, gsub("on", "EX") would produce "CommEXCar::RedTrunk" while tr("on", "EX") would produce "CEmmEXCar::RedTruXk".


how to safely replace all whitespaces with underscores with ruby?

The docs for tr! say

Translates str in place, using the same rules as String#tr. Returns str, or nil if no changes were made.

I think you'll get the correct results if you use tr without the exclamation.

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