Ruby on Rails Webpacker Can't Find Images Under Asset_Pack_Path

shakapacker: Webpacker can't find subdir/image.png in manifest.json

This was indeed a bug in webpacker6/shakapacker.

Webpack not finding image paths after removing the asset pipeline in rails 5.1.7

Webpack needs to be configured to compile your images:

In your app/javascript directory, create an images folder, and place the logo.png inside.

image_tag has been changed to image_pack_tag now that your images are being compiled with webpack. However, by default you would have to pass in the entire image path each time, beginning with media/, followed by the path from your webpack source path, which is defined in you webpacker.yml config file. For example:

<%= image_pack_tag 'media/images/logo.png', alt: 'logo', width: 150%>

To solve this, you can use require.context:

In your webpage entry point, by default this is located in app/javascript/packs/application.js, you should add the following line:

const images = require.context("../images", true);

To access the logo image in your view, you can now use:

<%= image_pack_tag 'logo.png', alt: 'logo', width: 150%>

shakapacker: Webpacker can't find subdir/image.png in manifest.json

This was indeed a bug in webpacker6/shakapacker.

Webpacker can't find application

Thanks for your help. Unfortunately nothing works.

rails assets:clobber return "error Couldn't find an integrity file" immediately after deleting node_modules folder. (Works after yarn install --check-files).

and rails assets:precompile return

"C:/Ruby26-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/webpacker-4.0.7/lib/webpacker/webpack_runner.rb:23:in `exec': No such file or directory - C:\Users\[...]\site_test\node_modules\.bin/webpack (Errno::ENOENT)"

but I found what was wrong: the location in my computer!
probably a name problem ...

Rails: Webpacker 4.2 can't find application in /app/public/packs/manifest.json heroku

It looks like there's no application.css in your manifest.json which means you might not be importing any css from within your Webpack javascript files.

If that's all true, then you can fix the error in production by one of the following:

  • Quick (temporary) fix: Add extract_css: false to your production block in config/webpacker.yml (which would mimic your local environments)
  • If you don't want to compile css with Webpacker: Remove <%= stylesheet_pack_tag 'application' %> from your application layout
  • If you want to compile some css with Webpacker: Import at least one css file from your Webpack javascript

Rails 6, webpacker: image_pack_tag renders wrong image path, adds assets/ to URI

Just prior to this error I had created a model called 'asset'. Somehow the resources :assets function in my routes.rb file conflicted with the image_pack_tag, inserting assets/ in the path for all images. I realized this when I simply commented out the resources :assets line in my routes.rb file, and all the images loaded properly.

I namespaced my asset model and also namespaced the resources :assets line in my routes.rb file. All images load correctly now.

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