Rvm Gem Install Error

rvm gem install error?

It looks like you've set the root user to use the rvm install which is in your home folder. This means when you install a gem with sudo, the files will belong to root. So, when you try and install a gem as you, you're getting permission errors.

To fix, you need to chown the rvm folder back to you (I'm assuming, from your file paths, that your username is 'da' here)...

sudo chown -R da:da /Users/da/.rvm

To avoid this happening in the future, I'd recommend setting root's path to be either its own install of rvm, or system gems.

Bundle install error installing nokogiri ( Gem installs but not for rails app

I fixed it, but it may be an unsatisfying answer. I went through all of the advice, installed various dependencies, changed various settings. Nothing seemed to work. Then I deleted the project folder and pulled it again from Github, reinstalled rvm, ran bundle install again and it all worked normally.

So what was the one thing that I was missing? I can't be sure. But I can say if nothing else works, create a new folder and download the project again and run bundle install.. after installing all dependencies / tools first of course, found here -> https://nokogiri.org/tutorials/installing_nokogiri.html

Unable to install rails. error: You don't have write permissions for the /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3 directory

That's because at some point you used sudo to install your rvm. So, the system will require sudo permission to install later gems

When you use command $ sudo gem install rails -v, you tell system to use normal directly installed ruby, not via rvm, so it warns you No such /user/bin/gem error

The solution for this is to change ownership of all files in the ~/.rvm directory to current account, as if you're using root account by following command

sudo chown -R $USER ~/.rvm

RVM Bundle Install Missing Gem Error

gem uninstall bundler && rvm @global do gem install bundler && bundle -v

bundler is installed by rvm by default into the @global gemset which gets mixed into default as well. something smells with that install, but that set of commands should fix it if that's all that's bad. your rvm output didn't look crazy.

RVM gem permissions error

You missed to use ruby, you can do it with:

rvm use 1.9.3 --install

In case 1.9.3 was not installed, this command will also install it!

It also looks you are using Ubuntu, make sure you are not using RVM from Ubuntu package - that thing is broken! You can find instruction how to fix it here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9056395/497756

RVM bundler installed ERROR: Gem bundler is not installed, run `gem install bundler` first

It looks like you're probably running the wrong version of gem. In my RVM setup, using the shell command overrides recommended with RVM (source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" in your .bashrc or .zshrc or another suitable startup file), gem is normally a shell function. It does some RVM magic under the covers and then runs the real gem command. In my case, both ruby and gem run out of the same version directory:


Make sure you're sourcing the RVM startup script.

Your PATH looks ok. Make sure you have a /home/username/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p371/bin/gem command. If not, you may have to reinstall ruby-1.8.7.

Running rvm current will show which Ruby version and gemset are being used. Make sure there's a gem in the path that matches the Ruby version.

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