Having Problems with Railsinstaller

railsinstaller.org website was not found, what do I do now?

My instructor said to go to this website for instructions. This solution also works if you are getting SSL errors when trying to use Ruby On Rails ( See Note1 and Note2 below first):

... get installer from here (If you have Git already, unclick that box.):

The idea is to remove ruby and rails from your machine. (Make sure you have node and yarn.) Run the installer. Then install newest stable versions of Ruby and Rails. Installing Ruby from rubyinstaller.org

Note2: Instead of using "gem install rails" command as Youtube video says, Do the following:

(thanks to Kingston Peng for this process)

"Run the command:

$ gem install gemName --source http://rubygems.org

it worked for me. I got: "1 gem installed".

So I tried:

$ gem install rails --source http://rubygems.org

", said Kingston Peng.

It worked! "37 gems installed"!

bundle install fails after using RailsInstaller

Try to manually initialize DevKit:

ruby dk.rb init
ruby dk.rb install

And make sure that the config.yml (inside DevKit) points to the right place before running dk.rb install:

- C:\RailsInstaller\Ruby<version number>

EDITED: As @Cameron pointed on comment, it might be necessary to run ruby dk.rb install -f after modifying config.yml

I had the same problem and, in my case, the config.yml was pointing to somewhere else other then Ruby installed by RailsInstaller.

rails --version command not working on Windows

After much digging around I found errors in a few of the *.bat (nokogiri, scss,...) files located in C:\path\to\RailsInstaller\Ruby2.2.0\bin.

This was the content of rails.bat:

IF NOT "%~f0" == "~f0" GOTO :WinNT
@"C:\Users\emachnic\GitRepos\railsinstaller-windows\stage\Ruby2.2.0\bin\ruby.exe" "C:/Users/emachnic/GitRepos/railsinstaller-windows/stage/Ruby2.2.0/bin/rails" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
@"C:\Users\emachnic\GitRepos\railsinstaller-windows\stage\Ruby2.2.0\bin\ruby.exe" "%~dpn0" %*`

After removing the hardcoded paths C:\Users\emachnic\GitRepos\railsinstaller-windows\stage\Ruby2.2.0\bin\, the rails command reports the correct version:

C:\path\to\RailsInstaller3.2\Ruby2.2.0\bin>rails -v

Rails Installer + Cygwin: How to best use the ruby version of the rails installer inside Cygwin?

Yaakov was close, it is indeed easier to just install everything into cygwin, including the C-extension gems (or most of them). The problem remains though, everytime there is an update on one of those gems. Actually the solution was installing the devel make packages that were missing from my cygwin. After that I finally could compile and proceed.

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