Access an Instance Variable from Child Classes

Access an instance variable from child classes

You can use "super" to call parent class initialize block and define instance variable "@var".
In that case you can modify value of this instance variable for another instance. Like this:

class Shape
def initialize ()
@var = "woohoo"

class Rectangle < Shape
def initialize(l, w)
@length = l
@width = w

def area()
print @var
return @length * @width

def var=(new_value)
@var = new_value

a =,1)
# => woohoo1
a.var = "kaboom"
# => kaboom1

b =,2)
# => woohoo4

Or ofc you can use attr_accessor

class Shape
def initialize
@var = "woohoo"

class Rectangle < Shape

attr_accessor :var
def initialize(l, w)
@length, @width = l, w

def area()
print @var
return @length * @width

a =,1)
# => woohoo1
a.var = "kaboom"
# => kaboom1

b =,2)
# => woohoo4

Python accessing parent class variable as instant variable in child class

So, you need to actually implement the property.

class Human(ABC):

def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
cls.human_name = args[0]
cls.source = f'database_{cls.__name__}'.lower()
return super().__new__(cls)

def query(self):

class Company:
class Employee(Human):
def query(self):
return f'SELECT {self.human_name} FROM {self.source};'

# these two functions are just for testing and will not be in the final product
def print_something(self):

def print_source(self):

e = Company.Employee('John')

Note, however, since __new__ creates class variables... this query will always be the same across instances:

employee1 = Company.Employee('John')
employee2 = Company.Employee('Jack')


will print:

SELECT Jack FROM database_employee;
SELECT Jack FROM database_employee;

How to access parent class variable in child class inside a child method?

When you inherit a class, you also inherit all the public and protected methods and variables from the inherited. So you can just do

public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append(this.getName()).append(", ");
builder.append(this.getGender()).append(", ");
return builder.toString();

How to access the init variable obtained from parent class into child method in python?

The issue is how you are calling example():


You're calling the example() method of the child class itself; you are not calling that method on an instance of child. The class itself does not have the self.item or self.model properties. Those are set in the constructor (__init__()). To call the contstructor you have to instantiate a new instance of the child object:

c = child(10, 'blah')

Now that c is an instance of child, you can call example() on the instance now:

#output: 10

Remember, this works because c is a reference to a specific instance of the child class, which you deliberately created previously. child refers to the class itself; it will not have any self instance variables, because a class is just a class, its constructor hasn't run because it only runs when you instantiate a class, not when you deal with the class itself.

One way to avoid this issue is to adhere to the naming standards in Python. Classes always should be CamelCase, and variables should all be snake_case. That way, you can easily tell that child.what_ever() is calling a method on an instance of a class, and that Child.blah_blah() is calling a class method.

For a full list of Python naming conventions, see here:

Access parent class instance variable from child class function

By using key-value coding.


[self setValue:@"Hello" forKey:@"name"];


NSString* name = [self valueForKey:@"name"];
[name writeToFile:@"Filename"

How to access parent class variable having same name as child variable with child reference outside the child class?

Cast the Child to Parent:

System.out.println(((Parent) c).i);

Why does it work?

A Child instance has two fields named i, one from the Parent class and one from Child, and the compiler (not the runtime type of the instance) decides which one gets used. The compiler does this based on the type he sees. So, if the compiler knows it's a Child instance, he'll produce an accessor for the Child field. If he only knows it's a Parent, you get access to the Parent field.

Some examples:

Parent parent = new Parent();
Child child = new Child();
Parent childAsParent = child;

System.out.println(parent.i); // parent value
System.out.println(child.i); // child value
System.out.println(((Parent) child) .i); // parent value by inline cast
System.out.println(childAsParent.i); // parent value by broader variable type

If the compiler knows it's a Child, he gives access to the Child field, if you take this knowledge away (by casting or by storing into a Parent variable), you get access to the Parent field.

This is confusing, isn't it? It's an invitation for all kinds of nasty misunderstandings and coding mistakes. So it's good advice not to have the same field name in a parent and a child class.

Access child class variable in parent class

There's nothing inherently wrong with this approach. It really depends on the scope and significance of this class, and where its being used. Building a parent class to use implicitly defined attributes is quick, and in many cases perfectly OK. But, sometimes those implicit attributes can get out of hand, and you might want to ensure that anyone making new subclasses has to define those attributes.

There are a couple approaches to this. Some of this may not work depending on what version of Python you are using. I believe the usage of ABC like this works in Python 3.4+.

Python (and many OO languages) have the concept of an Abstract Base Class. This is a class that can never be instantiated, and it enforces that any subclasses must implement methods or properties defined as abtract in order to be instantiated.

Here's how you could provide a make_sound method, and still be 100% sure that anyone subclassing Animal is indeed making that sound.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Animal(ABC):

def make_sound(self):

def sound(self):
""" return the sound the animal makes """

class Dog(Animal):

def sound(self):
return "bark"

class Cat(Animal):

sound = "meow"

class Thing(Animal):
""" Not an animal """

dog = Dog()
cat = Cat()
# thing = Thing() this will raise a TypeError, complaining that its abstract
# animal = Animal() as will this

This shows the many different ways to do this. Using the @property decorator allows you to set instance variables, or more complex logic, that affect it. Setting sound in the class is (somewhat) like setting a static member in a Java class. Since all cats meow, this probably makes sense in this case.

Accessing private instances in child class

As the Method getA() is inherited, if you call this Method, you'll always invoke the Parent's Method.

The current Object will be treated as a Parent and not as a Child, and the Parent's a will be returned.

Even though you have your own variable a, this variable wont override the Parent's a. They are different from each other, have different addresses and different values.

If you want getA() to return Child's a, you need to override the Method to return your new variable.

class Child extends Parent {
private int a = 22;

public int getA(){
return a;

You could also "go crazy" and do stuff like the following:

class Child extends Parent {
private int a = 22;

public int getA(){
int superA = super.getA();

return a+superA;

That way you could return the sum of Parent's and Child's a.

(Just an example)

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