Capybara & Cucumber | Getting Cookies

Capybara & Cucumber | Getting cookies

Step Definitions

Then /^cookies should be set^/ do
.current_session # Capybara::Session
.driver # Capybara::RackTest::Driver
.request # Rack::Request
.cookies # { "author" => "me" }
.[]('author').should_not be_nil

This works, however, I'm still looking for a less verbose way. Moreover, I'd like to know how to get the session data in a step definition.


To get the session data one should do the following:

Step Definitions

Then /^session data should be set$/ do
cookies = Capybara

session_key = Rails

session_data = Marshal.load(Base64.decode64(cookies.fetch(session_key)))

session_data['author'].should_not be_nil

This is quite verbose too.

Rails + Cucumber/Capybara: How to set/retrieve cookies in tests?

So eventually I figured it out after trying a lot of different things.

Given(/^I didn't log out the last time I was on the site$/) do
user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
visit new_user_session_path
fill_in('user[email]', with:
fill_in('user[password]', with: 'test123')
click_button('Sign in')

Capybara.current_session.driver.request.cookies.[]('auth_token').should_not be_nil
auth_token_value = Capybara.current_session.driver.request.cookies.[]('auth_token')

When(/^I go to the homepage$/) do
visit root_path

Then(/^I should automatically be logged in$/) do
page.should have_content("Logout")


Here's what I use in case I'm using Selenium for some of the tests:

if Capybara.current_session.driver.class == Capybara::Selenium::Driver
auth_token = page.driver.browser.manage.cookie_named('auth_token')[:value]
page.driver.browser.manage.add_cookie(:name => "auth_token", :value => auth_token)
puts "cookies = #{Capybara.current_session.driver.request.cookies}"
Capybara.current_session.driver.request.cookies.[]('auth_token').should_not be_nil
auth_token_value = Capybara.current_session.driver.request.cookies.[]('auth_token')

Cookies within a cucumber test using capybara

here's a nice way to show the content of the cookies while running your feature

How do I get cookies from a capybara-webkit session?

The duplicate question pointed me in the right direction but it was too noisy and I eventually consulted the docs for Selenium::WebDriver::Options and Selenium::WebDriver::Driver

The following is how we get cookies out.

puts session.driver.browser.manage.all_cookies

I want to delete a particular cookie using Capybara within Cucumber test and don't want to use Webkit / Poltergeist

You need to be on a page where the cookie would be valid in order to interact with the cookies (WebDriver spec limitation). Assuming that is the site where the cookie is valid and you're using the selenium driver then

visit ""
page.driver.browser.manage.delete_cookie 'my_cookie' # this is driver specific
page.refresh # to reload the page without the cookie

would delete the cookie. Since you haven't shown what you're actually checking after removing the cookie it's hard to guess what behavior you're looking to actually test, so the code above is just calling refresh to see the page state without the cookie.

Noe: From a general system/feature testing purpose it's usually not valuable to manually interact with cookies, you're generally better off just testing the user behaviors which have a side-effect of modifying cookies.

Getting Net::ReadTimeout: visiting a website in Ruby Capybara Cucumber  app,browser: :chrome,      desired_capabilities: {      'chromeOptions' => {         'useAutomationExtension' => false,         'args' => ['--disable-web-security', '--start-maximized', '--disable-infobars']      }   })

Unable to click the rating image via capybara using selenium-cucumber

In order to click on a specific star you'd need to do

find("#user_rating img[alt='2']") # select star 2

So in a cucumber step that would be something like

Then /^I rate ([^ ]+) with (\d) stars$/ do |id, stars|
find("##{id} img[alt='#{stars}']")

and be called as

Then I rate user_rating with 4 stars

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