Problem with Vim's Ruby Plugin

After installing vim-rails plugin I got problems with HAML indentation

Sounds like you may have some tab characters embedded in your file - do a :retab, which will convert them to spaces.

I also have set list listchars=tab:»· in my .vimrc, which makes tab characters nice and obvious when editing a file. :)

Vim's Ruby option is not enabled

The functionality on the second screenshot is given by installing the vim-ruby plugin.

The internal Ruby support is to allow people to write plugins and scripts for Vim using Ruby and it's not strictly necessary for what you seem to want to accomplish.

If you REALLY want to add Ruby support, you can always build Vim from source (or get a package with it already built). I suggest you to look into Vim's homepage for more info on this matter.

vim ruby plugin indentation

Try to add autocmd FileType ruby set shiftwidth=2 to .vimrc

Vim ruby, rails omnicompletion: Error loading rails environment. How do I configure vim-ruby's autocomplete to work with rails?

Upon further investigation, vim-ruby was executing the system's ruby, with which I wasn't able to get rubygems to work. I'm not absolutely sure, but I believe vim-ruby/autoload/rubycomplete.vim was failing at this line while attempting to require the console_app gem, which didn't exist on my system.

So I re-built vim according to the instructions on Jon Cairns' blog. The article references RVM, but is equally applicable to rbenv or whatever ruby you might be using.

For posterity's sake, on Ubuntu, the steps I took to do this were:

sudo apt-get install mercurial

hg clone vim && cd vim

./configure --with-features=HUGE --enable-pythoninterp=yes --enable-multibyte=yes --enable-rubyinterp=yes --with-ruby-command=$(which ruby) --enable-gui=gnome2 --with-x --enable-fontset


sudo make install

After doing this, omni-completion in Rails works like a charm - albeit a bit slow the first time it's used.

Problems with new command on Rails.vim

As mentioned in comments (by romainl and Peter Rincker), it is a bug of the latest version of the plugin.

The Issue was posted and solved. An update of my local version solved the problem. Now, everything works fine.

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