Display Base64 Encoded Image in Rails

Displaying base64 encoded image in rails

The problem was with the ruby code. This worked:

<td><%= ('<img src="data:image/png;base64,%s">' % user.image).html_safe %></td>

How to add base64 images as inline attachment to a mail in ActiveMailer?

Base64 is an encoded representation of the data in a file.

Note the difference between Base64 and DataURL.

DataURL strings start with data:image/png;base64, or a similar string. If this is your case, then your base 64 encoded data is everything after the ,: base_64 = content.split(',')[1]

This base 64 data is just the result of reading a file and encoding its data as base 64:

content = Base64.encode64(File.read('your/path.png'))

You only need to undo the encoding to get the exact result as what the function File.read would return:

data = Base64.decode64(content)

Your method will end as the following:

def inline_base64(name, content)
attachments.inline[name] = Base64.decode64(content)

If you are still getting a broken image check if your content starts with a DataURL string and strip that out.

Upload base64 encoded image with paperclip - Rails

This is my solution, using Paperclip.io_adapters.for(image) where image is base64 string.

def create_image image, image_name, cat
signature = Paperclip.io_adapters.for(image)
base_name = File.basename(image_name,File.extname(image_name))
signature.original_filename = "#{base_name}.jpg"
media_img = Media::Image.new()
media_img.image = signature
media_img.company_id = current_company_id
media_img.type = cat

Convert actual image to base64 in Ruby

Converting the binary data to base64 and passing that as data source isn't enough on its own. This would produce:

<img src="asdf...sdf==" />

Which isn't a valid source.

You have to create an data URI:

<%= image_tag("data:image/png;base64,#{Base64.encode64(@image)}") %>

This assumes your data has a MIME type of image/png. You could make this dynamic, but you have to extract the MIME type from the file or the extension somehow.

You might also be able to leave out the MIME type, since it's optional for data URIs. I'm not sure how the webbrowser would react to this though:

<%= image_tag("data:;base64,#{Base64.encode64(@image)}") %>

You could also create a helper for this. The asset pipeline already has a helper asset_data_uri. However since you fetch your images dynamically they are not part of the static server assets you might not be able to use it.

Showing base64 data with Ruby on Rails

This is not Base64 encoded data, you should try below code:

 require "base64"

<%= Base64.encode64(@photo) %>

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