How to Make a Check Box Default to Being "Checked" in Rails 1.2.3

How can I make a check box default to being checked in Rails 1.2.3?

If you're using check_box in the context of a form, then the check box will show whatever value that field has.

@user = Person.find(:first) = true
check_box 'user', 'active' #=> will be checked by default

If you're using check_box_tag, the third parameter is the initial state (check_box_tag doc):

check_box_tag "active", 1, true

How to make a check_box checked in rails?

Here's how to do it as of rails 4, I didn't check older documentation.

<%= check_box("tag",, {checked: true}) %>

This will make the checkbox checked. Of course instead of true you will put in some logic which determines if each one is checked.

Display Rails check box to be either checked or unchecked based on the value in the database

the third value is the checked.

<%= check_box_tag 'done', '1', item.done %>

1 is the value the third item is the checked value

RoR: Semantic-ui and check box

I found a solution; all I have to do is to change the order of

f.check_box and f.label

This one is working:

  <div class="ui checkbox">
<%= f.check_box :remember_me %>
<%= f.label :remember_me, "Angemeldet bleiben?" %>

Rails 1.2.3 Unserializing data

I think the problem is a matter of scope; the checked variable only exists in one of the branches of the if and does not exist once the end is reached. Try this:

<p><label for="supplemental_material_type_exclusions">Exclusions</label><br/>
<%= ApplicantBudgetlevel.find(:all).collect { |p|
checked = false
if @supplemental_material_type.exclusions
checked = @supplemental_material_type.exclusions.include?(p.level)
"#{check_box_tag('supplemental_material_type[exclusions][]', p.level, checked)} #{p.level} - #{p.range}<br />\n"
} %>

I simply removed the else branch and set the value to false by default.

This might cause further failures if the check box should only be shown if the if branch is true -- in which case, try the following:

<p><label for="supplemental_material_type_exclusions">Exclusions</label><br/>
<%= ApplicantBudgetlevel.find(:all).collect { |p|
if @supplemental_material_type.exclusions
checked = @supplemental_material_type.exclusions.include?(p.level)
"#{check_box_tag('supplemental_material_type[exclusions][]', p.level, checked)} #{p.level} - #{p.range}<br />\n"
} %>

Which of the two approaches is correct depends upon more than I can gauge from here -- but I'd try the first one first, and look through the logs for new or different errors or warnings.

rails check_box_tag disapear

Wrap the if logic inside parenthesis.

<%= check_box_tag 'clans[]','Feniks', (true if !@clans.nil? and @clans.include? 'Feniks') %>

In your code, if working as a modifier. Like print 10 if x.present?. In this sample, if x is not blank, the this method call print(10) will be happened, otherwise not. Same analogy holds for your case also. Inside the erb tag, you code is being interpreted as :

<%= check_box_tag('clans[]','Feniks', true) if <condition> %>

That's why when condition is true, check_box_tag method is getting invoked otherwise not. You could write the whole if part as :

<%= check_box_tag 'clans[]','Feniks', @clans.try(:include?, 'Feniks') %>

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