Cannot Assign Requested Address - Bind(2) (Errno::Eaddrnotavail)

Puma Error: Cannot assign requested address - bind(2) for port 3000 (Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL)

Seems like you have in your localhosts.

You can check it in /etc/hosts.

It may look like

... localhost localhost

If you don't need here and you don't know why you got it (your case =)) you can remove this line and try to run rails s again.

Maybe you would have to restart your network system or you can reboot.

Another way would be running rails server on particular host like

rails s -b

I don't know exact reasons of the problem but I hope it helps you somehow.

nodejs: Error: EADDRNOTAVAIL, Cannot assign requested address

On you cannot listen on because that's not the IP of the machine you're listening on.

If you want to listen on that machine, use:


Rails, Webpacker, and Docker : Cannot assign requested address - connect(2) for [::1]:3035

You need set the --listen-host value that gets passed to webpack-dev-server.

You can achieve this by editing the file config/webpacker.yml and changing the development:dev_server:host: value from localhost to, that should solve the problem.

ruby cannot assign requested address

You are making a server or client?

you used nc, so i guess you are making client.

server is bind

client is connect:

c =

c.connect("", 1111)

"address is not available" usually as the port is used.

or you can ping the address fisrt to check if the address can be reached

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