Weird Characters Added to First Column Name After Reading a Toad-Exported CSV File

Weird characters added to first column name after reading a toad-exported csv file

Try this:

d <- read.csv("test_file.csv", fileEncoding="UTF-8-BOM")

This works in R 3.0.0+ and removes the BOM if present in the file (common for files generated from Microsoft applications: Excel, SQL server)

Why is 'ï..' at the front of the first colname when imported a csv into r?

Please review previous answer here regarding weird characters when importing data from Excel: Weird characters added to first column name after reading a toad-exported csv file

unrecognized character in header of csv

Yes, that's a BOM, U+FEFF BYTE ORDER MARK. OP's file is probably encoded UTF-8, but OP appears to be decoding it as CP-1252.

I say that because the three-byte sequence for a UTF-8-encoded BOM is \xEF\xBB\xBF and appears as  when (wrongly?) decoded as CP-1252^1:

EncodingRepresentation (hexadecimal)Representation (decimal)Bytes as CP1252 characters
UTF-8EF BB BF239 187 191

What's an a-hat mean when importing a csv into r (and how do I get rid of it)?

Not sure if this is what you want:

data example:

df <- structure(list(V1 = c("", "Race3 and Hispanic Origin", "Whiteâ\200¦â\200¦â\200¦â\200¦â\200¦â\200¦â\200¦â\200¦â\200¦â\200¦â\200¦â\200¦â\200¦â\200¦â\200¦â\200¦", 
" White, not Hispanicâ\200¦â\200¦â\200¦â\200¦â\200¦â\200¦â\200¦â\200¦â\200¦",
), V2 = c("", "", "245,985", "195,221", "41,962", "18,879"),
V3 = c("", "", "27,113", "17,263", "9,234", "1,908"), V4 = c("",
"", "547", "493", "388", "175"), V5 = c("", "", "11.0", "8.8",
"22.0", "10.1"), V6 = c("", "", "0.2", "0.3", "0.9", "0.9"
), V7 = c("", "", "247,272", "195,256", "42,474", "19,475"
), V8 = c("", "", "26,436", "16,993", "8,993", "1,953"),
V9 = c("", "", "714", "571", "373", "190"), V10 = c("", "",
"10.7", "8.7", "21.2", "10.0"), V11 = c("", "", "0.3", "0.3",
"0.9", "1.0"), V12 = c("", "", "-677", "-270", "-241", "45"
), V13 = c("", "", "*-0.3", "-0.1", "-0.8", "-0.1")), row.names = c(NA,
6L), class = "data.frame")

remove the character:

df[] <- lapply(df, gsub, pattern='a€¦', replacement='')


V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13
2 Race3 and Hispanic Origin
3 White 245,985 27,113 547 11.0 0.2 247,272 26,436 714 10.7 0.3 -677 *-0.3
4 White, not Hispanic 195,221 17,263 493 8.8 0.3 195,256 16,993 571 8.7 0.3 -270 -0.1
5 Black 41,962 9,234 388 22.0 0.9 42,474 8,993 373 21.2 0.9 -241 -0.8
6 Asian 18,879 1,908 175 10.1 0.9 19,475 1,953 190 10.0 1.0 45 -0.1

Need help seperating column names in imported csv file without manually doing it in excel

data.table's fread reads this accurately :

url <- ""
data <- data.table::fread(url, quote = '')

You may want to clean up the column names though because quotes are present in the last 2 column names.

colnames(data) <- gsub('"', '', names(data))

Sqldf in R - error with first column names

So I figured it out by reading through the above comments.

I'm on a Windows 10 machine using Excel for Office 365. The special characters will go away by changing how I saved the file from a "CSV UTF-8 (Comma Delimited)" to just "CSV (Comma delimited)".

PSQL to CSV with column alias leads to corrupted file

After testing various other configurations of the query, I found the issue. Apparently Excel interprets a file starting with "ID" as some SYLK format instead of CSV... Renaming the column alias to e.g. "MyID" fixed the issue.

Reference here:

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