Passing Parameters to R Markdown

Passing Parameters to R Markdown

In my case it worked, just had to change the indentation in the header and some names which are available in my folder...

Here my jnk.Rmd

title: "Liquidity Report"
output: pdf_document
client: "NAMESPACE"
```{r plot, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
cftest <- read.csv(params$client)

And this is what I called in the console : render('jnk.Rmd',params= list( client= "NAMESPACE"))

Passing parameters through an RMarkdown document?

I think the step you were missing was specifying the output filename so that each "vendor" would have its own file; otherwise, the same filename is overwritten each time leaving you with a single HTML document.

An example:

title: mtcars cyl
author: r2evans
cyl: null

We have chosen to plot a histogram of `mtcars` where `$cyl` is equal to `r params$cyl`:

dat <- subset(mtcars, cyl == params$cyl)
if (nrow(dat) > 0) {

Calling this with:

for (cy in c(4,6,8)) {
output_file = sprintf("cyl_%s.html", cy),
params = list(cyl = cy))

will render three HTML files, cyl_4.html, cyl_6.html, and cyl_8.html, each with differing content:

Sample Image

How can I pass variables into an R markdown .Rmd file?

I think you can use knit2html from knitr package to do the "magic".

  1. You define your markdown file like this and save it as mydoc.Rmd

    for (v in union(ivs, dvs))
    hist <- ggplot(myDF, aes_string(x=v)) + geom_histogram()
  2. In test.R you prepare your data :

    myDF <- read.delim("")
    ivs <- c("iv1", "iv2", "iv3")
    dvs <- c("dv1", "dv2", "dv3")
  3. You compile using knitr


Pass Parameters from Command line into R markdown document

A few ways to do it.

You can use the backtick-R chunk in your YAML and specify the variables before executing render:

title: "`r thetitle`"
author: "`r theauthor`"
date: "July 14, 2015"

foo bar.


R -e "thetitle='My title'; theauthor='me'; rmarkdown::render('test.rmd')"

Or you can use commandArgs() directly in the RMD and feed them in after --args:

title: "`r commandArgs(trailingOnly=T)[1]`"
author: "`r commandArgs(trailingOnly=T)[2]`"
date: "July 14, 2015"

foo bar.


 R -e "rmarkdown::render('test.rmd')" --args "thetitle" "me"

Here if you do named args R -e ... --args --name='the title', your commandArgs(trailingOnly=T)[1] is the string "--name=foo" - it's not very smart.

In either case I guess you would want some sort of error checking/default checking. I usually make a compile-script, e.g.

# compile.r
args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=T)
# do some sort of processing/error checking
# e.g. you could investigate the optparse/getopt packages which
# allow for much more sophisticated arguments e.g. named ones.
thetitle <- ...
theauthor <- ...

And then run R compile.r --args ... supplying the arguments in whichever format I've written my script to handle.

Passing multiple parameters in RMarkdown document

RMD file -

title: "`r params$MVNDR_NBR`"
author: "Santiago Canon"
date: "5/26/2021"
highlight: monochrome
theme: flatly


<font size="4"> This document will provide a summary of "`r params$MVNDR_NM`" performance within in QC: </font>

for loop -

mvndr_nm <- c('name1', 'name2', 'name3', 'name4', 'name5', 'name6')
mvndr_nbr<- c('60031167', '60688509', '60074051', '60148060', '60086898', '60080204')

for (i in seq_along(mvndr_nm)) {
rmarkdown::render("C:/Users/santi/Documents/R Scripts/Export_Data_CSV.Rmd",
output_file = sprintf("MVNDR_%s.html", mvndr_nbr[i]),
params = list(MVNDR_NBR = mvndr_nbr[i], MVNDR_NM = mvndr_nm[i]))

Output -


Sample Image

MVNDR_60688509.html -

Sample Image

How to pass a parameter when rendering an R script with spin?

If you want to pass some parameters from the params argument of rmarkdown::render() function to knitr, it's a bit complicated as the knitr::spin() function overrides parameters. You can specify a commented header in your R script (as seen in the documentation), with empty parameter value, e.g. test.R:

#' ---
#' params:
#' wanted_cyl: null
#' ---


mtcars %>%
filter(cyl == params$wanted_cyl)

Then you can call:

rmarkdown::render(input = "test.R", params = list("wanted_cyl" = 6))

How do I knit child documents with parameters into a main RMarkdown document?

What worked for me (derived from the documentation once I properly understood it.):

Instead of using the params field in the YAML header, set the values of the parameters inside the main document and call cat on the output of knitr::knit_child. The below files achieved the desired result.


title: "Parameterized report"
output: html_document

head(df[, 1:2])


title: "Main report"
output: html_document

# mtcars
```{r mtcars, echo=FALSE, results='asis'}
df <- mtcars
knitr::knit_child('parameterized.Rmd', envir = environment(), quiet = TRUE)

# iris
```{r iris, echo=FALSE, results='asis'}
df <- iris
knitr::knit_child('parameterized.Rmd', envir = environment(), quiet = TRUE)

Knitting main.Rmd applied the parameterized report to each dataframe.

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