Calculating Time Difference by Id

Calculating time difference by ID

With base R you could simply wrap it up in ave

ave(as.numeric(as.POSIXct(date)), Incident.ID.., FUN = padded.diff) 

Or using data.table (as per @akruns comment)

setDT(df)[, date.diff := padded.diff(as.POSIXct(date)), by = Incident.ID..]

Time differences for multiple entries for same ID in R

You may use lead to get next value of time.decimal with default value as 7.


user %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(time.interval = lead(time.decimal, default = 7) - time.decimal) %>%
ungroup() -> user


# id hours time.decimal time.interval
# <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 123 03:32:12 1.2 3.3
#2 123 12:37:56 4.5 2.5
#3 140 09:46:33 6.3 0.7

Or in data.table :


setDT(user)[, time.interval := shift(time.decimal, type = 'lead', fill = 7) - time.decimal, id]


user <- structure(list(id = c(123L, 123L, 140L), hours = c("03:32:12", 
"12:37:56", "09:46:33"), time.decimal = c(1.2, 4.5, 6.3)),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L))

How to calculate the ID time difference

Assuming your dataframe looks like

    TimeStamp Input  ID
0 1163 T 0
1 1163 T 1
2 1163 T 2
3 1163 T 3
4 1176 T 0
5 1176 T 1
6 1176 T 2
7 1176 T 3
8 1190 T 0
9 1190 T 1
10 1190 T 2

You can groupby the ID and use pd.diff() on each group and add that back into the results.

df["diff"] = df.groupby("ID")["TimeStamp"].diff()

TimeStamp Input ID diff
0 1163 T 0 NaN
1 1163 T 1 NaN
2 1163 T 2 NaN
3 1163 T 3 NaN
4 1176 T 0 13.0
5 1176 T 1 13.0
6 1176 T 2 13.0
7 1176 T 3 13.0
8 1190 T 0 14.0
9 1190 T 1 14.0
10 1190 T 2 14.0

Note: the sort order of the dataframe is important. It must be sorted by TimeStamp in ascending order. If you need to do that, you can first use df.sort_values("TimeStamp", inplace=True).

calculate difference based on id and date


df <- structure(list(
id = c("a", "a", "b", "b", "b", "c"),
date = ("2018-04-13", "2011-11-12", "2019-05-30", "2014-09-13", "2019-06-21", "1998-01-08"),
time = c("50", "40", "30", "20", "10", "30")),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -6L))

df %>%
group_by(id) %>%
arrange(id, date) %>%
time = as.numeric(time),
time_diff = time - lag(time)

SQL - Time difference between 2 entries grouped by unique ID

I don't know which SQL dialect you use, so I tried to write a query very close to standard SQL (for example, SQL:2003), but using Postgres 8.4. For the character representation of date values, I used the format defined in ISO 8601.

create table T (
ID char(2),
Action char(1),
"Timestamp" timestamp

insert into T values
('01', 'A', '2019-06-06T06:25'),
('01', 'B', '2019-06-06T06:30'),
('01', 'A', '2019-06-06T06:35'),
('01', 'B', '2019-06-06T06:40'),
('01', 'A', '2019-06-06T06:45'),
('03', 'B', '2019-07-01T08:25'),
('03', 'B', '2019-07-01T08:30'),
('10', 'B', '2019-07-02T09:40'),
('10', 'A', '2019-07-02T09:45'),
('10', 'A', '2019-07-02T09:50'),
('10', 'B', '2019-07-02T09:55');

a.ID, extract(minute from (min(b."Timestamp") - a.min_ts)) as Difference
from (select
t.ID, min(t."Timestamp") as min_ts
from T as t
where t.Action = 'A'
group by t.ID, t.Action) as a
inner join T as b
on a.ID = b.ID and b.Action = 'B' and a.min_ts < b."Timestamp"
group by a.ID, a.min_ts;


| id | difference |
| 10 | 10 |
| 01 | 5 |

Test it online with SQL Fiddle.

Calculate time difference between observations for some rows only

Using match get the corresponding date where outcome = 1 for a id. Change the values which are before the outcome date to 0 along with those values which do not have any value with outcome = 1.


df %>%
mutate(date = as.Date(date)) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(days_since_outcome_1 = as.integer(date - date[match(1, outcome)]),
days_since_outcome_1 = replace(days_since_outcome_1,
days_since_outcome_1 < 0 |, 0)) %>%

# id date outcome days_since_outcome_1
# <chr> <date> <int> <dbl>
#1 ny21 2021-03-01 0 28
#2 ny21 2021-02-01 1 0
#3 ny21 2021-01-01 0 0
#4 ch67 2021-08-09 0 0

For larger datasets, you can try data.table -

df[, days_since_outcome_1 := as.integer(date - date[match(1, outcome)]), id]
df[, days_since_outcome_1 := replace(days_since_outcome_1,
days_since_outcome_1 < 0 |, 0)]

Calculate Time difference between two operation using kusto query

datatable(['timestamp [IST]']:datetime, name:string)
"2022-06-30 04:10:00.460" ,"fbf759a0-d4be-4d07-adfb-7090a207e667 Success: Reached Three"
,"2022-06-30 04:12:00.091" ,"fbf759a0-d4be-4d07-adfb-7090a207e667 Success: Reached Two"
,"2022-06-30 04:10:00.460" ,"ewerewtetete-4d07-adfb-7090a207e667 Retry message"
,"2022-06-30 04:14:10.791" ,"fbf759a0-d4be-4d07-adfb-7090a207e667 Success: Reached One"
,"2022-06-30 04:15:10.460" ,"ewerewtetete-4d07-adfb-7090a207e667 Success: Reached Three"
,"2022-06-30 04:20:04.343" ,"fbf759a0-d4be-4d07-adfb-7090a207e667 Retry message"
| project-rename ts = ['timestamp [IST]']
| parse name with OperationID " " *
| summarize TimeDiffSec = round((max(ts) - min(ts)) / 1s) by OperationID


Calculate Time Difference Between Two Discord IDs/Snowflakes

Calculating the time difference between any two Discord IDs doesn't require any API requests. Since the creation time of every snowflake object is encoded within that 19-21 digits. When read in binary, bit 22 and up is the timestamp.

For recent versions, there's already a helper method for you!

time1 = discord.utils.snowflake_time(int(id1))
time2 = discord.utils.snowflake_time(int(id2))
ts_diff = time2 - time1
secs = abs(ts_diff.total_seconds())

If this doesn't exist for your version yet, it's simple to implement snowflake_time():

import datetime

def snowflake_time(id):
return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(((id >> 22) + 1420070400000) / 1000)

This method works for any Discord ID (message ID, channel ID, guild ID, category ID, audit log ID, etc)

Discord Snowflake Structure:

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