Split a Vector by Percentile

split a vector by percentile

Problem statement

Break a sorted vector x every 10% into 10 chunks.

Note there are two interpretation for this:

  1. Cutting by vector index:

    split(x, floor(10 * seq.int(0, length(x) - 1) / length(x)))
  2. Cutting by vector values (say, quantiles):

    split(x, cut(x, quantile(x, prob = 0:10 / 10, names = FALSE), include = TRUE))

In the following, I will make demonstration using data:

set.seed(0); x <- sort(round(rnorm(23),1))

Particularly, our example data are Normally distributed rather than uniformly distributed, so cutting by index and cutting by value are substantially different.


cutting by index

#[1] -1.5 -1.2 -1.1
#[1] -0.9 -0.9
#[1] -0.8 -0.4
#[1] -0.3 -0.3 -0.3
#[1] -0.3 -0.2
#[1] 0.0 0.1
#[1] 0.3 0.4 0.4
#[1] 0.4 0.8
#[1] 1.3 1.3
#[1] 1.3 2.4

cutting by quantile

#[1] -1.5 -1.2 -1.1
#[1] -0.9 -0.9
#[1] -0.8 -0.4
#[1] -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3
#[1] -0.2
#[1] 0.0 0.1
#[1] 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4
#[1] 0.8 1.3 1.3 1.3
#[1] 2.4

Calculating percentile of dataset column

If you order a vector x, and find the values that is half way through the vector, you just found a median, or 50th percentile. Same logic applies for any percentage. Here are two examples.

x <- rnorm(100)
quantile(x, probs = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)) # quartile
quantile(x, probs = seq(0, 1, by= 0.1)) # decile

R: splitting dataset into quartiles/deciles. What is the right method?

Another way would be ntile() in dplyr.


foo <- data.frame(a = 1:100,
b = runif(100, 50, 200),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

foo %>%
mutate(quantile = ntile(b, 10))

# a b quantile
#1 1 93.94754 2
#2 2 172.51323 8
#3 3 99.79261 3
#4 4 81.55288 2
#5 5 116.59942 5
#6 6 128.75947 6

How to automate to split a vector in single element named scalars

Using %=% from collapse

paste0('n', seq_along(x)) %=% x


> n1
[1] 19
> n2
[1] 8
> n3
[1] 9
> n4
[1] 18

Groupby given percentiles of the values of the chosen DataFrame column

I don't have a computer to test it right now, but I think you can do it by: df.groupby(pd.cut(df.col0, np.percentile(df.col0, [0, 25, 75, 90, 100]), include_lowest=True)).mean(). Will update after 150mins.

Some explanations:

In [42]:
#use np.percentile to get the bin edges of any percentile you want
np.percentile(df.col0, [0, 25, 75, 90, 100])
In [43]:
#Need to use include_lowest=True
print df.groupby(pd.cut(df.col0, np.percentile(df.col0, [0, 25, 75, 90, 100]), include_lowest=True)).mean()
col0 col1 col2
[0.00679, 0.908] 0.457201 41.0 2.103996
(0.908, 3.744] 3.051177 923.5 5.790717
(3.744, 13.0893] NaN NaN NaN
(13.0893, 19.32] 19.319746 11969.0 7.405685
In [44]:
#Or the smallest values will be skiped
print df.groupby(pd.cut(df.col0, np.percentile(df.col0, [0, 25, 75, 90, 100]))).mean()
col0 col1 col2
(0.00679, 0.908] 0.907609 82.0 4.207991
(0.908, 3.744] 3.051177 923.5 5.790717
(3.744, 13.0893] NaN NaN NaN
(13.0893, 19.32] 19.319746 11969.0 7.405685

How to split a character vector based on length of a list

You could try the following:

split(x=a, f=rep(seq_along(Length), Length))

f has to be of the same length as x (if it is of length one or a divider of x it would be recycled).

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