Blend of Na.Omit and Na.Pass Using Aggregate

Blend of na.omit and na.pass using aggregate?

Pass both na.action=na.pass and na.rm=TRUE to aggregate. The former tells aggregate not to delete rows where NAs exist; and the latter tells mean to ignore them.

aggregate(cbind(var1, var2, var3) ~ name, test, mean,
na.action=na.pass, na.rm=TRUE)

Using aggregate in a dataframe with NA without dropping rows

using dplyr

df %>%
group_by(cy) %>%
summarize_all(mean, na.rm = TRUE)

# cy bt cl pf ne YH YI
# 1 H 1.785714 0.7209302 53.41463 51.75952 21.92857 29.40476
# 2 K 1.333333 0.8333333 33.33333 47.83333 20.66667 27.33333
# 3 M 1.777778 0.4444444 63.75000 58.68889 24.88889 44.22222
# 4 O 2.062500 0.8750000 31.66667 53.05333 18.06667 30.78571

Aggregate - na.omit and na.pass in R with factor (group by factor)?

If we are getting the mean of 'TotalPaygrouped by 'JobTitle', theformula` method would be

aggregate(TotalPay~JobTitle, salaries, mean, na.rm=TRUE, na.action=na.pass)

Or use

aggregate(salaries$TotalPay, list(salaries$JobTitle), FUN=mean, na.rm=TRUE) 


salaries <- data.frame(JobTitle = sample(LETTERS[1:5], 20,
replace=TRUE), TotalPay= sample(c(1:20, NA), 20))

aggregate function in R, sum of NAs are 0

Create a lambda function with a condition to return NaN when all elements are NA

aggregate(. ~ name, test, FUN = function(x) if(all( NaN
else sum(x, na.rm = TRUE), na.action=na.pass)


  name var1 var2 var3
1 A 6 10 NaN
2 B 6 26 10
3 C 6 42 26

It is an expected behavior with sum and na.rm = TRUE. According to ?sum

the sum of an empty set is zero, by definition.

> sum(c(NA, NA), na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 0

How to omit na in aggregate to calculate SD in R

Try this:

aggregate(age_onset~cohort+status, data = dat, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
# cohort status age_onset
# 1 ADC8_AA -9 NA
# 2 ADC8_AA 2 7.661191

You can use the ... argument of aggregate to pass na.rm = TRUE through to sd.

You will still get NA for any groups that only have a single non-missing value. This is because standard deviation isn't defined for a single value.

subset(dat, status == -9)
# cohort status age_onset
# 23 ADC8_AA -9 NA
# 46 ADC8_AA -9 NA
# 49 ADC8_AA -9 82

# [1] NA

Use aggregate and keep NA rows

A work-around is simply not to use NA for the value groups. First, initialising your data as above:

x <- data.frame(idx=1:30, group=rep(letters[1:10],3), val=runif(30))

x$val[, 5)] <- NA; x
spl <- with(x, split(x, group))

lpp <- lapply(spl,
function(x) { r <- with(x,
data.frame(x, val_g=cut(val, seq(0,1,0.1), labels = FALSE),
val_g_lab=cut(val, seq(0,1,0.1)))); r })

rd <-, lpp);
ord <- rd[order(rd$idx, decreasing = FALSE), ];

Simply convert to character and covert NAs to some arbitrary string literal:

# Convert to character
ord$val_g_lab <- as.character(ord$val_g_lab)
# Convert NAs
ord$val_g_lab[$val_g_lab)] <- "Unknown"

aggregate(val ~ group + val_g_lab, ord,
FUN=function(x) c(mean(x, na.rm = FALSE), sum(!,
# group val_g_lab val.1 val.2
#1 e (0,0.1] 0.02292533 1.00000000
#2 g (0.1,0.2] 0.16078353 1.00000000
#3 g (0.2,0.3] 0.20550228 1.00000000
#4 i (0.2,0.3] 0.26986665 1.00000000
#5 j (0.2,0.3] 0.23176149 1.00000000
#6 d (0.3,0.4] 0.39196441 1.00000000
#7 e (0.3,0.4] 0.39303518 1.00000000
#8 g (0.3,0.4] 0.35646994 1.00000000
#9 i (0.3,0.4] 0.35724889 1.00000000
#10 a (0.4,0.5] 0.48809261 1.00000000
#11 b (0.4,0.5] 0.40993166 1.00000000
#12 d (0.4,0.5] 0.42394859 1.00000000
# ...
#20 b (0.9,1] 0.99562918 1.00000000
#21 c (0.9,1] 0.92018049 1.00000000
#22 f (0.9,1] 0.91379088 1.00000000
#23 h (0.9,1] 0.93445802 1.00000000
#24 j (0.9,1] 0.93325098 1.00000000
#25 b Unknown NA 0.00000000
#26 c Unknown NA 0.00000000
#27 d Unknown NA 0.00000000
#28 i Unknown NA 0.00000000
#29 j Unknown NA 0.00000000

Does this do what you want?


To answer your question in the comments. Note NaN and NA are not quite the same (See here). Note also that these two are very different from "NaN" and "NA", which are string literals (i.e. just text).
But anyway, NAs are special 'atomic' elements which are nearly always handled exceptionally by functions. So you have to look into the documentation how a particular function handles NAs. In this case, the na.action argument applies to the values that you aggregate over, not the 'classes' in your formula. The drop=FALSE argument could also be used, but then you get all combinations of the (in this case) two classifications. Redefining the NA to a string literal works because the new name is treated like any other class.

aggregate function - NA is still outputted as na.action is set to omit

According to the help on aggregate, na.action = na.omit is the default in the method for formula objects, but not in the method for data frames. Which method is used is determined by the class of the first argument in your function call.

I don't have your data, so I show you what this means using the data set mtcars, which is included in R, with a modification (which is needed, because mtcars contains no NA):

mtcars[5, "disp"] <- NA

Now, I aggregate the columns disp and mpg by cyl. First, I use the data frame method:

aggregate(mtcars[, c("mpg", "disp")], list(cyl = mtcars$cyl), mean)
## cyl mpg disp
## 1 4 26.66364 105.1364
## 2 6 19.74286 183.3143
## 3 8 15.10000 NA

Clearly, the NA values are not omitted. However, mean() comes with an argument na.rm, which I can set to TRUE as follows:

aggregate(mtcars[, c("mpg","disp")], list(cyl = mtcars$cyl), mean, na.rm = TRUE)
## cyl mpg disp
## 1 4 26.66364 105.1364
## 2 6 19.74286 183.3143
## 3 8 15.10000 352.5692

(The reason that this works can also be found in the documentation of aggregate(). The function has an argument ... (as many R functions do), which will match all the expressions that you pass to the function that do not match one of its arguments. These expressions are than passed on to the function that you use for aggregation. Since aggregate() has no argument called na.rm, this argument will sent on to mean().)

Now back to what caused your confusion: you can also use aggregate by giving a formula as the first argument (which I find more readable and thus preferable). The call then reads as follows:

aggregate(cbind(mpg, disp) ~ cyl, data = mtcars, mean)
## cyl mpg disp
## 1 4 26.66364 105.1364
## 2 6 19.74286 183.3143
## 3 8 14.82308 352.5692

As you can see, in this form the NA values are indeed omitted by default.

Inconsistency of na.action between xtabs and aggregate in R

It's difficult to give a cannonical answer without describing how xtabs works. If we step through the main points of its source code, we'll see clearly what's going on.

After some basic type checking, the call to xtabs works internally by first creating a data frame of all the variables contained in your formula using stats::model.frame, and it is to this that the na.action parameter is passed.

The way it does this is quite clever. xtabs first copies the call you made to it via, like this:

m <- = FALSE)

Then it strips out the parameters that don't need passed to stats::model.frame like this:

m$... <- m$exclude <- m$drop.unused.levels <- m$sparse <- m$addNA <- NULL

As promised in the help file, if addNA is TRUE and na.action is missing, it will now default to na.pass:

    if (addNA && missing(na.action)) 
m$na.action <- quote(na.pass)

Then it changes the function to be called from xtabs to stats::model.frame like this:

m[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)

So the object m is a call (and is also a standalone reprex), which in your case looks like this:

stats::model.frame(formula = cbind(B, C) ~ A, data = list(A = structure(c(1L, 
1L, 2L, NA), .Label = c("Y", "Z"), class = "factor"), B = c(NA, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE),
C = c(TRUE, TRUE, NA, FALSE)), na.action = NULL)

Note that your na.action = NULL has been passed to this call. This has the effect of keeping all NA values in the frame. When the above call is evaluated, it gives this data frame:

#> cbind(B, C).B cbind(B, C).C A
#> 1 NA TRUE Y

Note that this is the same result you would get if you passed na.action = na.pass:

stats::model.frame(formula = cbind(B, C) ~ A, data = list(A = structure(c(1L, 
1L, 2L, NA), .Label = c("Y", "Z"), class = "factor"), B = c(NA, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE),
C = c(TRUE, TRUE, NA, FALSE)), na.action = na.pass)
#> cbind(B, C).B cbind(B, C).C A
#> 1 NA TRUE Y

However, if you passed na.action = na.omit, you would only be left with a single row, since only row 2 has no NA values.

In any case, the "model frame" result is stored in the variable mf. This is then split into the independent variable(s), - in your case, column A, and the response variable - in your case cbind(B, C).

The response is stored in y and the variable in by:

        i <- attr(attr(mf, "terms"), "response")
by <- mf[-i]
y <- mf[[i]]

Now, by is processed to ensure each independent variable is a factor, and that any NA values are converted into factor levels if you have specified addNA = TRUE:

    by <- lapply(by, function(u) {
if (!is.factor(u))
u <- factor(u, exclude = exclude)
else if (has.exclude)
u <- factor(as.character(u), levels = setdiff(levels(u),
exclude), exclude = NULL)
if (addNA)
u <- addNA(u, ifany = TRUE)
u[, drop = drop.unused.levels]

Now we come to the crux. The na.action is used again to determine how the NA values in the response variable will be counted. In your case, since you passed na.action = NULL, you will see that naAct will get the value stored in getOption("na.action"), which if you have never changed it, should be set to na.omit. This in turn will cause the value of the variable na.rm, to be TRUE:

    naAct <- if (!is.null(m$na.action)) {
}else {getOption("na.action", default = quote(na.omit))}
na.rm <- identical(naAct, quote(na.omit)) || identical(naAct,
na.omit) || identical(naAct, "na.omit")

Note that if you had passed na.action = na.pass, then na.rm would be FALSE if you trace this piece of code.

Finally, we come to the section where your xtabs table is built using sum inside a tapply, which is itself inside an lapply.

lapply(, tapply, by, sum, na.rm = na.rm, default = 0L)

You can see that the na.rm variable is used to determine whether to remove NAs from the columns before attempting to sum them. The result of this lapply is then coerced into the final cross tab.

So how does this answer your question?

It is true when the documentation says that if you don't pass an na.action, it will default to na.pass. However, the na.action is used in two places: once in the call to model.frame and once to determine the value of na.rm. It is very clear from the source code that if na.action is na.pass, then na.rm will be FALSE, so you will miss out on the counts of any response groups containing NA values. This is the opposite of what is written in the help file.

The only way round this is to pass na.action = NULL, since this will allow model.frame to keep NA values, but will also cause the sum function to default to na.rm.

TL;DR The documentation for xtabs is wrong on this point.

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