Delete Rows with Less Than 7 Characters

Delete rows with less than 7 Characters

assuming your file is named data and CustomerID is a char column:

data = data[(which(nchar(data$CustomerID) == 7)),]

the which command filters the rows given a boolean argument.

How to delete rows with less than a certain amount of items or strings with Pandas?

Just measure the number of items in the list and filter the rows with length lower than 3

dr0['length'] = dr0['PLATSBESKRIVNING'].apply(lambda x: len(x))
cond = dr0['length'] > 3
dr0 = dr0[cond]

How to delete rows which contain less than 75 characters (about 10 words) in a particular column

The easiest solution is to use the SQL function called len used like this: len(nameOffield)

In your case simply add the function to you where clause in the delete command like this:

DELETE FROM yourTableName where len(aParticularColumn) < 75

Update to answer: if your aParticularColumn is of datatype text or ntext you can use DATALENGTH instead of len. In this case it would be

DELETE FROM yourTableName where DATALENGTH(aParticularColumn) < 75

Microsoft Documentation to the DATALENGTH function

R - delete rows with more than x chars using which

The problem is in the indexing. If nothing has more than 5 values the conditions inside which returns all FALSE and which returns integer(0), and indexing the column with this return nothing.
Try with logical:

df[!(nchar(as.character(df$u)) > 5),]

how can i remove entire row if a column has more than 10 characters using pandas

I believe need boolean indexing with inverted mask from > to <= and find lengths by Series.str.len:

df = df[df['reason'].str.len() <= 10]
print (df) name reason
0 1 sara hello
3 4 sai hey !!

Remove rows in python less than a certain value

Instead of this

df3 = result[result['Value'] ! <= 10]  


df3 = result[~(result['Value'] <= 10)]  

It will work.
OR simply use

df3 = result[result['Value'] > 10]  

Removing from pandas dataframe all rows having less than 3 characters

Try with

df = df[df['Word'].str.len()>=3]

Remove all rows where length of string is more than n

To reword your question slightly, you want to retain rows where entries in f_name have length of 3 or less. So how about:

subset(m, nchar(as.character(f_name)) <= 3)

Python - Remove line with less than x number of characters while preserving blank lines

Use the following consolidated approach:

with open(outfile) as f, open(outfile2, 'w') as f2:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if not line or (':' not in line and ',' not in line and len(line) >= 43):
f2.write(line + '\n')

The crucial if statement allows to write either an empty line or a line that meets the needed condition.

Delete rows containing specific strings in R

This should do the trick:

df[- grep("REVERSE", df$Name),]

Or a safer version would be:

df[!grepl("REVERSE", df$Name),]

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