Shift Values in Single Column of Dataframe Up

Shift column in pandas dataframe up by one?

In [44]: df['gdp'] = df['gdp'].shift(-1)

In [45]: df
y gdp cap
0 1 3 5
1 2 7 9
2 8 4 2
3 3 7 7
4 6 NaN 7

In [46]: df[:-1]
y gdp cap
0 1 3 5
1 2 7 9
2 8 4 2
3 3 7 7

How to shift a column in Pandas DataFrame

In [18]: a
x1 x2
0 0 5
1 1 6
2 2 7
3 3 8
4 4 9

In [19]: a['x2'] = a.x2.shift(1)

In [20]: a
x1 x2
0 0 NaN
1 1 5
2 2 6
3 3 7
4 4 8

How do I shift all elements in a row in a python dataframe over by one column?

If I understood your request correctly, you can exploit the shift and update methods like this:

# df

one two ten
a 1.0 1.0 1.0
b 2.0 2.0 NaN
c 3.0 3.0 NaN
d 4.0 4.0 4.0

df.loc[df.iloc[:, -1].isna(), :].shift(axis=1).replace(np.nan, 'na')
df.replace('na', np.nan, inplace=True)

# Output
one two ten
a 1.0 1.0 1.0
b NaN 2.0 2.0
c NaN 3.0 3.0
d 4.0 4.0 4.0

Let's break it down:

#### Step1: Filter NaN in the last column

df.loc[df.iloc[:, -1].isna(), :]

# Ouput
one two ten
b 2.0 2.0 NaN
c 3.0 3.0 NaN

#### Step2: Shift the rows to the right

df.loc[df.iloc[:, -1].isna(), :].shift(axis=1)

# Output
one two ten
b NaN 2.0 2.0
c NaN 3.0 3.0

#### Step3: Replace NaN with "na"
# This is because the update function doens't replace values with NaN

df.loc[df.iloc[:, -1].isna(), :].shift(axis=1).replace(np.nan, 'na')

# Output
one two ten
b na 2.0 2.0
c na 3.0 3.0

#### Step4: Update the orginal dataframe with this new one (in place method)

df.update(df.loc[df.iloc[:, -1].isna(), :].shift(axis=1).replace(np.nan, 'na'))

# Output
one two ten
a 1.0 1.0 1.0
b na 2.0 2.0
c na 3.0 3.0
d 4.0 4.0 4.0

#### Step5: Replace back the original NaN

df.replace('na', np.nan, inplace=True)

Shift values in single column of dataframe up

Your problem simplifies to:

  • Drop the first n elements in a vector
  • Pad n values of NA at the end

You can do this with a simple function:

shift <- function(x, n){
c(x[-(seq(n))], rep(NA, n))

example$z <- shift(example$z, 2)

The result:

x y z
1 1 1 3
2 2 2 4
3 3 3 5
4 4 4 6
5 5 5 7
6 6 6 8
7 7 7 NA
8 8 8 NA

Shift only one column in DataFrame


df['col2'] = df['col2'].shift(5)

You will get the following output

   col1  col2
0 A NaN
1 B NaN
2 C NaN
3 D NaN
4 E NaN
5 F 5.0
6 G 3.0
7 H 8.0
8 I 2.0
9 J 9.0
10 K 9.0
11 L 4.0
12 M 9.0

But from the updated Q, I can see that the col1 should be extended as well. So do this instead,

df['col2'].index = df['col2'].index + 5
pd.concat([df['col1'], df['col2']], axis=1)

col1 col2
0 A NaN
1 B NaN
2 C NaN
3 D NaN
4 E NaN
5 F 5.0
6 G 3.0
7 H 8.0
8 I 2.0
9 J 9.0
10 K 9.0
11 L 4.0
12 M 9.0
13 NaN 3.0
14 NaN 5.0
15 NaN 7.0
16 NaN 3.0
17 NaN 7.0

Shift several parts inside one dataframe in pandas with condition


df["My Shift"] = df.groupby("B")["A"].shift()


     A    B  Correctly Shifted  Incorrectly Shifted  My Shift
0 100 aaa NaN NaN NaN
1 110 aaa 100.0 100.0 100.0
2 120 aaa 110.0 110.0 110.0
3 100 bbb NaN 120.0 NaN
4 110 bbb 100.0 100.0 100.0
5 120 bbb 110.0 110.0 110.0
6 100 ccc NaN 120.0 NaN
7 110 ccc 100.0 100.0 100.0
8 120 ccc 110.0 110.0 110.0

How to shift rows up in Pandas Dataframe based on specific column

The way I'd do this IIUC is to filter out the values in ColB which are not 0, and fill the column with these values according to the length of the obtained valid values:

m = df.loc[~df.ColB.eq(0), 'ColB'].values
df['ColB'] = float('nan')
df.loc[:m.size-1, 'ColB'] = m


ColA ColB ColC
0 A 1.0 First
1 B 2.0 Second
2 C NaN Third

Shift values in single column of dataframe UP with lag specified in another column

Using dplyr::lead


example %>%
group_by(shift) %>%
mutate(price = lead(price, unique(shift)))

or using data.table::shift


setDT(example)[, price := shift(.(price), type = "lead", n = shift), .(shift)][]


#>   country price shift
#> 1 IT 200 0
#> 2 IT 150 0
#> 3 GR 480 1
#> 4 GR 590 1
#> 5 GR NA 1
#> 6 TR 438 2
#> 7 TR 555 2
#> 8 TR NA 2
#> 9 TR NA 2

Shift values in single column with lag in R

We can use lead in dplyr

df %>% group_by(Code) %>% mutate(Price = lead(Price, 2))

# Code Week Price
# <fct> <int> <int>
# 1 A1 1 8
# 2 A1 2 NA
# 3 A1 3 NA
# 4 A2 1 6
# 5 A2 2 6
# 6 A2 3 NA
# 7 A2 4 NA
# 8 A3 1 20
# 9 A3 2 20
#10 A3 3 20
#11 A3 4 NA
#12 A3 5 NA

Or shift in data.table

setDT(df)[, Price := shift(Price, 2, type = "lead"), Code]

There isn't a ready function available to do this in base but we can use tail and append NA values.

df$Price <- with(df,ave(Price, Code, FUN = function(x) c(tail(x, -2), rep(NA, 2))))

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