Changing Million/Billion Abbreviations into Actual Numbers? Ie. 5.12M -> 5,120,000

Binary operations in a dataframe

If you have Gross value always in millions, you can get the numbers from it and multiply by 1e6 to get amount in millions and then divide by Weeks.


url = ""
read_table = read_html("")
movie_table = html_table(html_nodes(read_table, "table")[[1]])
movie_table <- movie_table[-c(1, ncol(movie_table))]
movie_table %>% mutate(per_week_calc = readr::parse_number(Gross) * 1e6/Weeks)

# Title Weekend Gross Weeks per_week_calc
#1 Onward $10.5M $60.3M 2 30150000
#2 I Still Believe $9.5M $9.5M 1 9500000
#3 Bloodshot $9.3M $10.5M 1 10500000
#4 The Invisible Man $6.0M $64.4M 3 21466667
#5 The Hunt $5.3M $5.8M 1 5800000
#6 Sonic the Hedgehog $2.6M $145.8M 5 29160000
#7 The Way Back $2.4M $13.4M 2 6700000
#8 The Call of the Wild $2.2M $62.1M 4 15525000
#9 Emma. $1.4M $10.0M 4 2500000
#10 Bad Boys for Life $1.1M $204.3M 9 22700000

If you have data in billions or thousands you can refer

Changing Million/Billion abbreviations into actual numbers? ie. 5.12M -> 5,120,000 and Convert from K to thousand (1000) in R

regex pattern a few numbers followed by the letter k

How about

data = gsub("([0-9]+)k", "\\1000", data)

How to replace string from numeric value in R?

Edit: For values that have non-integer values.

x <- c("19M","20K","1K", "1.25M", "1.5K"); x
x <- sub("M", "e6", x); x
x <- sub("K", "e3", x); x
[1] 19000000 20000 1000 1250000 1500

For integer values, the following is sufficient.

x <- c("19M","20K","1K")

x <- sub("M","000000", x)
x <- sub("K","000", x)

1.9e+07 2.0e+04 1.0e+03

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