Moving Files Between Folders

Moving files between folders

If you wanted a file.rename()-like function that would also create any directories needed to carry out the rename, you could try something like this:

my.file.rename <- function(from, to) {
todir <- dirname(to)
if (!isTRUE($isdir)) dir.create(todir, recursive=TRUE)
file.rename(from = from, to = to)

my.file.rename(from = "C:/Users/msc2/Desktop/rabata.txt",
to = "C:/Users/msc2/Desktop/Halwa/BADMASHI/SCOP/rabata.txt")

Move files into a folder in GitHub (At their website)

A solution is described in the GitHub docs here.

You browse to the file you want to move, click on Edit this file and change the path to your desired path.

How to move a file in Python?

os.rename(), os.replace(), or shutil.move()

All employ the same syntax:

import os
import shutil

os.rename("path/to/current/", "path/to/new/destination/for/")
os.replace("path/to/current/", "path/to/new/destination/for/")
shutil.move("path/to/current/", "path/to/new/destination/for/")

Note that you must include the file name ( in both the source and destination arguments. If it is changed, the file will be renamed as well as moved.

Note also that in the first two cases the directory in which the new file is being created must already exist. On Windows, a file with that name must not exist or an exception will be raised, but os.replace() will silently replace a file even in that occurrence.

As has been noted in comments on other answers, shutil.move simply calls os.rename in most cases. However, if the destination is on a different disk than the source, it will instead copy and then delete the source file.

Is there an easy way to move a file to a different folder in dbt Cloud?

The way to move a file in the cloud IDE for dbt is not 100% obvious. You can use the rename function to move a file to another location.

Click on the drop down next to the file name, then select "Rename." That will open a file path and you can change where the file lives from there by typing in the new folder's name.

moving files between two folders in a shared drive - Cannot use this operation on a shared drive item

As @IMTheNachoMan points out this is a known issue, and I'm posting this answer with the link so that others who may face this issue, can go to the link and add a "star" next to the issue number for more visibility.

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