Row Wise Sorting in R

Row wise Sorting in R

If we need only to sort by rows, use apply with MARGIN=1 and assign the output back to the original columns after transposing the output.

df1[-1] <- t(apply(df1[-1], 1, 
FUN=function(x) sort(x, decreasing=TRUE)))

# Name English Math French
# 1 John 86 78 56
# 2 Sam 97 86 79
# 3 Viru 93 44 34

NOTE: But we may need to change the column names as sorting by row gives the new sorted values.

Another option will be use apply separately to get the column names and the values, with Map we get the corresponding columns, cbind with the first column to have the output.

nMat <- `dim<-`(names(df1)[-1][t(apply(df1[-1], 1,  
order, decreasing=TRUE))], dim(df1[-1]))
vMat <- t(apply(df1[-1], 1, sort, decreasing=TRUE))
cbind(df1[1], data.frame(Map(cbind,,
# Name V1.1 V1.2 V2.1 V2.2 V3.1 V3.2
#1 John French 86 Math 78 English 56
#2 Sam Math 97 French 86 English 79
#3 Viru English 93 Math 44 French 34

Or another option is data.table. We melt the 'wide' format to 'long' format, grouped by 'Name', we order the 'value' in decreasing order in 'i', get the Subset of Data.table (.SD), create a new column ('N'), grouped by 'Name' and use dcast to convert from 'long' to 'wide'.

dcast(melt(setDT(df1), id.var='Name')[order(-value),
.SD, Name][, N:=paste0("Col", 1:.N) , .(Name)],
Name~N, value.var=c("variable", "value"))
# Name variable_Col1 variable_Col2 variable_Col3 value_Col1 value_Col2 value_Col3
#1: John French Math English 86 78 56
#2: Sam Math French English 97 86 79
#3: Viru English Math French 93 44 34

The above data.table solution will not work in case you have 10 or more columns with values, because then col10 will preceed col2 in the ordering, even though higher values will be stored in col2. To resolve this issue, you can use just number for the names of your new columns as in:

dcast(melt(setDT(df1), id.var='Name')[order(-value), 
.SD, Name][, N:=1:.N , .(Name)],
Name~N, value.var=c("variable", "value"))

R row-wise sort on specific columns

Instead of assigning to df, only assign to the columns you want to sort.

df[1:2] <- t(apply(df[1:2], 1, 
FUN=function(x) sort(x, decreasing=FALSE)))

Or written more simply:

to_sort <- 1:2
df[to_sort] <- t(apply(df[to_sort], 1, sort, decreasing = FALSE))

Sorting dates row-wise

The apply approach also works with dates. They just get coerced to a character matrix, but we can coerce and lapply as.Date over it.

my_data[-1] <-[-1], 1, sort))) |> lapply(as.Date)


# id d1 d2 d3 d4 d5
# 1 1 1999-03-14 2009-08-31 2010-01-19 2013-01-01 2015-11-25
# 2 2 2000-09-10 2001-02-22 2007-01-29 2010-04-10 2019-09-11
# 3 3 2001-04-05 2007-12-26 2008-09-12 2012-07-15 2015-10-14
# 4 4 1999-03-15 2007-01-18 2009-12-19 2014-02-08 2016-07-19
# 5 5 2003-07-03 2004-07-22 2006-11-05 2009-05-31 2011-05-25


# 'data.frame': 5 obs. of 6 variables:
# $ id: int 1 2 3 4 5
# $ d1: Date, format: "1999-03-14" "2000-09-10" "2001-04-05" "1999-03-15" ...
# $ d2: Date, format: "2009-08-31" "2001-02-22" "2007-12-26" "2007-01-18" ...
# $ d3: Date, format: "2010-01-19" "2007-01-29" "2008-09-12" "2009-12-19" ...
# $ d4: Date, format: "2013-01-01" "2010-04-10" "2012-07-15" "2014-02-08" ...
# $ d5: Date, format: "2015-11-25" "2019-09-11" "2015-10-14" "2016-07-19" ...

Sorting each row of a data frame

You could use the plain apply function with MARGIN = 1 to apply over rows and then transpose the result.

t(apply(df, 1, sort))

Fastest way to sort and desort rows of a matrix [r]

Row-wise sorting seems to be straightforward. To get the original order back (un-sort) we need the row-wise ranks rather than their order. Thereafter, what works for column sorting in @Josh O'Brien's answer we can adapt for rows.

Base R solution:

rr <- t(apply(m, 1, rank))  ## get initial RANKS by row
sm <- t(apply(m, 1, sort)) ## sort m


sm[] <- sm[cbind(as.vector(row(rr)), as.vector(rr))] ## un-sort
all(m == sm) ## check
# [1] TRUE

Seems to work.

In your linked answer, the rowSort function of the Rfast package stands out well in terms of performance, which may cover the sorting issue. Moreover there's also a rowRanks function that will cover our ranking issue. So we can avoid apply.

Let's try it out.

m[1:3, ]
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
# [1,] 0.9148060 0.5142118 0.3334272 0.719355838
# [2,] 0.9370754 0.3902035 0.3467482 0.007884739
# [3,] 0.2861395 0.9057381 0.3984854 0.375489965

rr <- rowRanks(m) ## get initial RANKS by row
sm <- rowSort(m) ## sort m
sm[1:3, ] # check
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
# [1,] 0.36106962 0.4112159 0.6262453 0.6311956
# [2,] 0.01405302 0.2171577 0.5459867 0.6836634
# [3,] 0.07196981 0.2165673 0.5739766 0.6737271


sm[] <- sm[cbind(as.vector(row(rr)), as.vector(rr))] ## un-sort
all(sm == m) ## check
# [1] TRUE



m.test <- matrix(runif(4e6), ncol = 4)
# [1] 1000000 4

# Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
# Rfast 897.6286 910.91 956.6259 924.1914 986.1246 1048.058 3 a
# baseR 87931.2824 88004.73 95659.8671 88078.1737 99524.1594 110970.145 3 c
# forloop 58927.7784 59434.54 60317.3903 59941.2930 61012.1963 62083.100 3 b

Not so bad!!



m <- matrix(runif(100), nrow = 25, ncol = 4)

## benchmark
m.test <- matrix(runif(4e6), ncol = 4)

rr <- rowRanks(m.test)
sm <- rowSort(m.test)
sm[] <- sm[cbind(as.vector(row(rr)), as.vector(rr))]},
rr <- t(apply(m.test, 1, rank))
sm <- t(apply(m.test, 1, sort))
sm[] <- sm[cbind(as.vector(row(rr)), as.vector(rr))]
om <- t(apply(m.test, 1, order, decreasing = T))
sm <- m.test
for (i in seq_len(nrow(m.test))) {
sm[i, ] <- sm[i, om[i, ]]
for (i in seq_len(nrow(m.test))) {
sm[i, ] <- sm[i, order(om[i, ])]
}, times=3L

How to sort each row of a data frame WITHOUT losing the column names

Store the names and apply them:

nm = names(df)
sorted_df <-, 1, sort)))
names(sorted_df) = nm

You could compress this down to a single line if you prefer:

sorted_df = setNames(, 1, sort))), names(df))

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