How Can a Non-Imported Method in a Not-Attached Package Be Found by Calls to Functions Not Having It in Their Namespace

How can a non-imported method in a not-attached package be found by calls to functions not having it in their namespace?

I'm not sure if I correctly understand your question, but the main point is that group is character vector while data$group is factor.

After attaching gmodels, the call for reorder(factor) calls gdata:::reorder.factor.
so, reorder(factor(group)) calls it.

In transform, the function is evaluated within the environment of the first argument, so in T2 <- transform(data, group = reorder(group,-num)), group is factor.


library attaches the import packages into loaded namespace.

> loadedNamespaces()
[1] "RCurl" "base" "datasets" "devtools" "grDevices" "graphics" "methods"
[8] "stats" "tools" "utils"
> library(gmodels) # here, namespace:gdata is loaded
> loadedNamespaces()
[1] "MASS" "RCurl" "base" "datasets" "devtools" "gdata" "gmodels"
[8] "grDevices" "graphics" "gtools" "methods" "stats" "tools" "utils"

Just in case, the reorder generic exists in namespace:stats:

> r <- ls(.__S3MethodsTable__., envir = asNamespace("stats"))
> r[grep("reorder", r)]
[1] "reorder" "reorder.default" "reorder.dendrogram"

And for more details

The call of reorder will search the S3generics in two envs:

see ?UseMethod

first in the environment in which the generic function is called, and then in the registration data base for the environment in which the generic is defined (typically a namespace).

then, loadNamespace registers the S3 functions to the namespace.

So , in your case, library(gmodels) -> loadNamespace(gdata) -> registerS3Methods(gdata).

After this, you can find it by:

> methods(reorder)
[1] reorder.default* reorder.dendrogram* reorder.factor*

Non-visible functions are asterisked

However, as the reorder.factor is not attached on your search path, you cannot access it directly:

> reorder.factor
Error: object 'reorder.factor' not found

Probably this is whole scenario.

Created package not running functions from imported packages in NAMESPACE file

Moving tidyverse from Imports to Depends in DESCRIPTION would make it work, but is not the recommended approach if you are developing a formal package. Like @Bruno commented:

> usethis::use_package("tidyverse")
Error: 'tidyverse' is a meta-package and it is rarely a good idea to
depend on it. Please determine the specific underlying package(s) that
offer the function(s) you need and depend on that instead. For data
analysis projects that use a package structure but do not implement a
formal R package, adding 'tidyverse' to Depends is a reasonable
compromise. Call `use_package("tidyverse", type = "depends")` to achieve

The reason why having it in Imports does not work is that only variables exported by the packages listed there are placed on the search path, as mentioned in the section Package namespaces of Writing R Extensions:

Only the exported variables are placed in the attached frame. Loading a package that imports variables from other packages will cause these other packages to be loaded as well (unless they have already been loaded), but they will not be placed on the search path by these implicit loads. Thus code in the package can only depend on objects in its own namespace and its imports (including the base namespace) being visible

tidyverse, being a meta-package, does not export the functions of its included packages, but uses the .onAttach hook to attach these packages (see tidyverse:::.onAttach for details). This means that if tidyverse is imported using the above method then this hook will not run and the variables exported by the other packages will not be added to the search path, which is why you can not access them.

Putting tidyverse under Depends does run the .onAttach hook, and therefore the other packages are also attached.

R package dependency issues when namespace is not attached

For those that are interested, the discussion continues here on the r-devel mailing list:

Changing imported R function globally

Don't copy and modify the function, it's messy, do something like this instead :

tbl_abc <- function(src, from, ...){
tbl(src, in_schema("abc", from), ...)

btw tbl(connection, table, in_schema("abc")) is improper syntax, in_schema("abc") needs a second argument, and it's passed to the ..., which are not used by tbl.DBIConnection()

Namespaces and generic functions in R

@CalumYou is exactly right in pointing out that unloading a namespace will not remove S3 methods registered for an S3 generic defined in another package. Here, in case you are interested, is a more detailed look at how and why that is the case.

When the forecast package is loaded, all of the methods that it defines are "registered" in data bases in a variety of different namespaces. The rule R follows is that a method gets registered in the namespace of the package that defines its S3 generic. Since the fitted() generic is defined in stats, that's where the new methods defined by forecast get registered, in an environment called .__S3MethodsTable__.. Detaching or unloading forecast leaves the stats package untouched (probably an overall wise design decision, if you think about it), with the unfortunate consequence that the fitted.Arima method (along with many others) remain registered in its .__S3MethodsTable__.

To see that this is so, have a look at the following:

## [1] FALSE
ls(stats:::.__S3MethodsTable__., pattern = "fitted")
## [1] "fitted.default" "fitted.isoreg" "fitted.kmeans"
## [4] "fitted.nls" "fitted.smooth.spline"

## Loading the forecast namespace registers new 'fitted' methods ...
requireNamespace("forecast", quietly = TRUE)
## [1] TRUE
ls(stats:::.__S3MethodsTable__., pattern = "fitted")
## [1] "" "fitted.Arima" "fitted.arma"
## [4] "fitted.bats" "fitted.default" "fitted.ets"
## [7] "fitted.fracdiff" "fitted.garch" "fitted.gls"
## [10] "fitted.glsStruct" "fitted.gnls" "fitted.gnlsStruct"
## [13] "fitted.isoreg" "fitted.kmeans" "fitted.lagwalk"
## [16] "fitted.lme" "fitted.lmeStruct" "fitted.lmList"
## [19] "fitted.modelAR" "fitted.nlmeStruct" "fitted.nls"
## [22] "fitted.nnetar" "fitted.quantmod" "fitted.smooth.spline"
## [25] "fitted.tbats" "fitted.tslm" "fitted.values.quantmod"

## ... which are left behind even when the forecast namespace is unloaded
## [1] FALSE
ls(stats:::.__S3MethodsTable__., pattern = "fitted")
## [1] "" "fitted.Arima" "fitted.arma"
## [4] "fitted.bats" "fitted.default" "fitted.ets"
## [7] "fitted.fracdiff" "fitted.garch" "fitted.gls"
## [10] "fitted.glsStruct" "fitted.gnls" "fitted.gnlsStruct"
## [13] "fitted.isoreg" "fitted.kmeans" "fitted.lagwalk"
## [16] "fitted.lme" "fitted.lmeStruct" "fitted.lmList"
## [19] "fitted.modelAR" "fitted.nlmeStruct" "fitted.nls"
## [22] "fitted.nnetar" "fitted.quantmod" "fitted.smooth.spline"
## [25] "fitted.tbats" "fitted.tslm" "fitted.values.quantmod"

(For a related question and answer, see here.)

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