Efficiently Computing a Linear Combination of Data.Table Columns

Efficiently computing a linear combination of data.table columns

This is almost 2x faster for me than your manual version:

Reduce("+", lapply(names(DT), function(x) DT[[x]] * cf[x]))

benchmark(manual = DT[, list(cf['A']*A+cf['B']*B+cf['C']*C+cf['D']*D)],
reduce = Reduce('+', lapply(names(DT), function(x) DT[[x]] * cf[x])))
# test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child
#1 manual 100 1.43 1.744 1.08 0.36 NA NA
#2 reduce 100 0.82 1.000 0.58 0.24 NA NA

And to iterate over just mycols, replace names(DT) with mycols in lapply.

How to compute the linear combination of different columns within R data.table

One option is

DT[ sum := Reduce(`+`, DT[, 1:4] * DT[, 5:8])]

Or using .SD

DT[, sum := Reduce(`+`, .SD[, 1:4] * .SD[, 5:8])]

Or we can do

nm1 <- names(DT)[1:4]
nm2 <- paste0("coef", nm1)
DT[, sum := Reduce(`+`, Map(`*`, mget(nm1), mget(nm2)))]

Multiplying column names/factors by each row

Something like this?

df$WtAvg = with(df, A + 2*B + 3*C)

ID A B C WtAvg
1 1 0.2 0.4 0.4 2.2
2 2 0.3 0.3 0.4 2.1
3 3 0.6 0.2 0.2 1.6

R data.table dot product with matching column names (for each group)

Join the data.tables:

dt[coefs, res := b * i.b + d * i.d, on = "a"]
# a b c d res
#1: x 0.09901786 -0.362080111 -0.5108862 -1.0217723
#2: x -0.16128422 0.169655945 0.3199648 0.6399295
#3: x -0.79648896 -0.502279345 1.3828633 2.7657266
#4: x -0.26121421 0.480548972 -1.1559392 -2.3118783
#5: x 0.54085591 -0.601323442 1.3833795 2.7667590
#6: y 0.83662761 0.607666970 0.6320762 2.7328562
#7: y -1.92510391 -0.050515610 -0.3176544 -2.8780671
#8: y 1.65639926 -0.167090105 0.6830158 3.7054466
#9: y 1.48772354 -0.349713539 -1.2736467 -2.3332166
#10: y 1.49065993 0.008198885 -0.1923361 0.9136516

Usually you would use the matrix product here, but that would mean that you had to coerce the respective subset to a matrix. That would result in a copy being made and since data.tables are mainly used for larger data, you want to avoid copies.

If you need dynamic column names, the most simple solution that comes to mind is actually an eval/parse construct:

cols = colnames(coefs)[-1]
expr <- parse(text = paste(paste(cols, paste0("i.", cols), sep = "*"), collapse = "+"))

dt[coefs, res := eval(expr), on = "a"]

Maybe someone else can suggest a better solution.

Here is a solution using matrix multiplication:

dt[, res := as.matrix(.SD) %*% unlist(coefs[a == .BY, .SD, .SDcols = cols]), 
by = "a", .SDcols = cols]

Of course this makes copies, which is potentially less efficient then the eval solution.

Computing squared residual in regression row-wise in a data.table

Assuming y is the first column of your data table dat and the rest of the columns are predictors. This works for bonus 1.

mat = as.matrix(dat[, x1:x3, with = F])
pred = cbind(1, mat) %*% beta
dat[, rss := (pred - y)^2]

For bonus 2:

dat[, mean_by_grp := mean(rss), by = grp]

To avoid the matrix conversion, you could do this:

dat[, pred := beta[1] + beta[2] * x1 + beta[3] * x2 + beta[4] * x3]

writing out the inner product.

Complete reproducible example

dat = data.table(replicate(4, rnorm(5)))
setnames(dat, c("y", paste0("x", 1:3)))
dat[, grp := c("A", "A", "B", "B", "B")]
beta = 1:4

mat = as.matrix(dat[, x1:x3, with = F])
pred = cbind(1, mat) %*% beta
dat[, rss := (pred - y) ^ 2]

dat[, mean_by_grp := mean(rss), by = grp]
# y x1 x2 x3 grp rss mean_by_grp
# 1: 1.9946963 -1.08573747 -0.92245624 0.67077922 A 10.565250 7.064164
# 2: 0.7111425 -0.98548216 0.03960243 -0.08107805 A 3.563078 7.064164
# 3: 0.1854053 0.01513086 0.49382018 1.26424109 B 54.512843 38.263204
# 4: -0.2817650 -0.25204590 -1.82822917 -0.70338819 B 56.558929 38.263204
# 5: 0.1087755 -1.46575030 0.09147291 -0.04057817 B 3.717840 38.263204

How to find linear regression between groups using data.table?

With the new data, we could split the data by 'group' into a list. Then, use combn on the names of the list for pairwise combination, extract the list elements (s1, s2), check if there are any common 'time' (intersect). Use a condition based on length i.e. if there are common elements, then apply the lm on the corresponding 'value' columns, create a data.table with summarised coef along with the group names and rbind the list elements

lst1 <- split(dt, dt$group)
rbindlist(combn(names(lst1), 2, FUN = function(x) {
s1 <- lst1[[x[1]]]
s2 <- lst1[[x[2]]]
i1 <- intersect(s1$time, s2$time)
if(length(i1) > 0) na.omit(s1[s2, on = .(time)][,
. (group1 = first(s1$group), group2 = first(s2$group),
regression = lm(i.value ~ value)$coef[2])])
data.table(group1 = first(s1$group), group2 = first(s2$group),
regression = NA_real_)}, simplify = FALSE))


     group1 group2  regression
1: a b 0.03033996
2: a c 0.06391242
3: a d -0.09138112
4: a e -0.27738183
5: b c 0.05663270
6: b d 0.05481604
7: b e 0.27789495
8: c d -0.13987978
9: c e 0.16388299
10: d e 0.12380720

If we want full combinations, use either expand.grid or CJ (from data.table

dt2 <- CJ(group1 = names(lst1), group2 = names(lst1))[group1 != group2]
dt2[, rbindlist(Map(function(x, y) {
s1 <- lst1[[x]]
s2 <- lst1[[y]]
i1 <- intersect(s1$time, s2$time)
if(length(i1) > 0) na.omit(s1[s2, on = .(time)][,
data.table(group1 = x, group2 = y,
regresion = lm(i.value ~ value)$coef[2])]) else
data.table(group1 = x, group2 = y, regression = NA_real_)

}, group1, group2))]


  group1 group2   regresion
1: a b 0.03033996
2: a c 0.06391242
3: a d -0.09138112
4: a e -0.27738183
5: b a 0.03247826
6: b c 0.05663270
7: b d 0.05481604
8: b e 0.27789495
9: c a 0.07488082
10: c b 0.06198333
11: c d -0.13987978
12: c e 0.16388299
13: d a -0.09295215
14: d b 0.05208743
15: d c -0.12144302
16: d e 0.12380720
17: e a -0.25136439
18: e b 0.34052322
19: e c 0.28677255
20: e d 0.21435666

data.table sumproduct style vector multiplication

Using matrix multiplication:

coeffs <- as.vector(c(2,3,4))
dt2 <- DT[,Calc := as.matrix(DT[,..vars])%*%coeffs]

Create new variable that is linear combination of many other variables

You can try

 df1$newvar <- as.matrix(df1) %*% v1


 df1$newvar <- rowSums(sweep(df1, 2, v1, FUN='*'))

Or as suggested by @Frank based on the post

 df1$newvar <- Reduce(`+`,lapply(seq_along(v1),function(i)df1[[i]]*v1[i]))


df1 <- as.data.frame(matrix( rnorm(100*50,mean=0,sd=1), 100, 50))
v1 <- runif(50)

R creating a comprehensive table of correlation between combinations of columns

Do you expect such kind of matrix?

df <- structure(list(INDEX = 1:6, TARGET_WINS = c(39L, 70L, 86L, 70L, 
82L, 75L), TEAM_BATTING_H = c(1445L, 1339L, 1377L, 1387L, 1297L,
1279L), TEAM_BATTING_2B = c(194L, 219L, 232L, 209L, 186L, 200L
), TEAM_BATTING_3B = c(39L, 22L, 35L, 38L, 27L, 36L), TEAM_BATTING_HR = c(13L,
190L, 137L, 96L, 102L, 92L), TEAM_BATTING_BB = c(143L, 685L,
602L, 451L, 472L, 443L), TEAM_BATTING_SO = c(842L, 1075L, 917L,
922L, 920L, 973L), TEAM_BASERUN_SB = c(NA, 37L, 46L, 43L, 49L,
107L), TEAM_BASERUN_CS = c(NA, 28L, 27L, 30L, 39L, 59L), TEAM_BATTING_HBP = c(NA_integer_,
NA_integer_, NA_integer_, NA_integer_, NA_integer_, NA_integer_
), TEAM_PITCHING_H = c(9364L, 1347L, 1377L, 1396L, 1297L, 1279L
), TEAM_PITCHING_HR = c(84L, 191L, 137L, 97L, 102L, 92L), TEAM_PITCHING_BB = c(927L,
689L, 602L, 454L, 472L, 443L), TEAM_PITCHING_SO = c(5456L, 1082L,
917L, 928L, 920L, 973L), TEAM_FIELDING_E = c(1011L, 193L, 175L,
164L, 138L, 123L), TEAM_FIELDING_DP = c(NA, 155L, 153L, 156L,
168L, 149L)), row.names = c(NA, 6L), class = "data.frame")

# install.packages("corrr")
df1 <- corrr::correlate(df, method = "pearson")

# 1. Output:
# A tibble: 17 x 18
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 INDEX NA 0.642 -0.820 -0.291 0.0236 0.0826 0.205
2 TARG~ 0.642 NA -0.685 0.367 -0.373 0.673 0.788
3 TEAM~ -0.820 -0.685 NA 0.192 0.496 -0.449 -0.502
4 TEAM~ -0.291 0.367 0.192 NA -0.0789 0.640 0.653
5 TEAM~ 0.0236 -0.373 0.496 -0.0789 NA -0.752 -0.676
6 TEAM~ 0.0826 0.673 -0.449 0.640 -0.752 NA 0.984
7 TEAM~ 0.205 0.788 -0.502 0.653 -0.676 0.984 NA
8 TEAM~ 0.134 0.401 -0.560 0.377 -0.754 0.864 0.799
9 TEAM~ 0.790 -0.00267 -0.690 -0.356 0.413 -0.528 -0.541
10 TEAM~ 0.874 -0.0332 -0.834 -0.598 0.261 -0.578 -0.623
12 TEAM~ -0.662 -0.923 0.733 -0.358 0.448 -0.771 -0.852
13 TEAM~ -0.352 0.308 -0.127 0.661 -0.767 0.891 0.809
14 TEAM~ -0.914 -0.793 0.736 0.0225 0.0863 -0.341 -0.464
15 TEAM~ -0.667 -0.930 0.719 -0.360 0.424 -0.757 -0.842
16 TEAM~ -0.707 -0.925 0.757 -0.314 0.418 -0.733 -0.820
17 TEAM~ 0.0666 0.265 -0.144 -0.583 -0.447 -0.123 -0.150

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