Dplyr Issues When Using Group_By(Multiple Variables)

dplyr issues when using group_by(multiple variables)

Taking Dickoa's answer one step further -- as Hadley says "summarise peels off a single layer of grouping". It peels off grouping from the reverse order in which you applied it so you can just use

mtcars %>%
group_by(cyl, gear) %>%
summarise(newvar = sum(wt)) %>%
summarise(newvar2 = sum(newvar) + 5)

Note that this will give a different answer if you use group_by(gear, cyl) in the second line.

And to get your first attempt working:

df1 <- mtcars %>%
group_by(cyl, gear) %>%
summarise(newvar = sum(wt))

df2 <- df1 %>%
group_by(cyl) %>%
summarise(newvar2 = sum(newvar)+5)

dplyr group by multiple variables summarise by multiple variables

vmp %>%
mutate(Inv_Total=as.numeric(as.character(Inv_Total))) %>%
group_by(Priority,LOS) %>%

dplyr: Handing over multiple variables to group_by in a function

If we pass multiple variables, pass that as a string and make use of group_by_at

myfunction <- function(mydf, grp, xvar) {  
mydf %>%
group_by_at(grp) %>%
summarise(sum = sum({{xvar}}))

myfunction(mtcars, "am", mpg)
# A tibble: 2 x 2
# am sum
# <dbl> <dbl>
#1 0 326.
#2 1 317.
myfunction(mtcars, c("am", "gear"), mpg)
# A tibble: 4 x 3
# Groups: am [2]
# am gear sum
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 0 3 242.
#2 0 4 84.2
#3 1 4 210.
#4 1 5 107.

In case, we want to pass the groups as showed in the OP's post, one way is to convert with enexpr and evaluate (!!!)

myfunction <- function(mydf, grp, xvar) {  
grp <- as.list(rlang::enexpr(grp))
grp <- if(length(grp) > 1) grp[-1] else grp

mydf %>%
group_by(!!! grp) %>%
summarise(sum = sum({{xvar}}))


myfunction(mtcars, am, mpg)
# A tibble: 2 x 2
# am sum
# <dbl> <dbl>
#1 0 326.
#2 1 317.
myfunction(mtcars, c(am, gear), mpg)
# A tibble: 4 x 3
# Groups: am [2]
# am gear sum
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 0 3 242.
#2 0 4 84.2
#3 1 4 210.
#4 1 5 107.

dplyr summarise : Group by multiple variables in a loop and add results in the same dataframe


list("trav.satisf", "cuisine", "sexe") %>%
map(~ {
hdv2003 %>%
group_by_at(.x) %>%
n = n(),
percent = round((n() / nrow(hdv2003)) * 100, digits = 1),
femmes = round((sum(sexe == "Femme", na.rm = TRUE) / sum(!is.na(sexe))) * 100, digits = 1),
age = round(mean(age, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 1)
) %>%
rename_at(1, ~"group") %>%
mutate(grouping = .x)
}) %>%
bind_rows() %>%
select(grouping, group, everything())
#> # A tibble: 8 x 6
#> grouping group n percent femmes age
#> <chr> <fct> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 trav.satisf Satisfaction 480 24 51.5 41.4
#> 2 trav.satisf Insatisfaction 117 5.9 47.9 40.3
#> 3 trav.satisf Equilibre 451 22.6 49.9 40.9
#> 4 trav.satisf <NA> 952 47.6 60.2 56
#> 5 cuisine Non 1119 56 43.8 50.1
#> 6 cuisine Oui 881 44 69.4 45.6
#> 7 sexe Homme 899 45 0 48.2
#> 8 sexe Femme 1101 55 100 48.2

Created on 2021-11-12 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

dplyr::group_by() with multiple variables but NOT intersection

I'm guessing what you're looking for is the tidyr package...

gather first duplicates the dataset so that there are n rows for each factor by which grouping will occur; mutate then creates the grouping variable.


mtcars %>%
gather(col, value, cyl, am) %>%
mutate(group = paste(col, value, sep = "_")) %>%
group_by(group) %>%
summarise(est = mean(disp))

How to use dplyr::group_by with multiple groups when programming

Instead of pasteing and using group_by_ (deprecated - but it would not work because it is expecting NSE), we can directly use the vector in group_by_at

group_vars <- c('factor1','factor2')
test %>%
# A tibble: 10 x 3
# Groups: factor1, factor2 [10]
# factor1 factor2 variable
# <int> <fct> <int>
# 1 1 d 145
# 2 5 e 119
# 3 4 a 181
# 4 3 e 155
# 5 3 d 164
# 6 3 b 135
# 7 4 e 137
# 8 4 d 197
# 9 2 d 142
#10 2 c 110

Or another option is to convert to symbols (syms from rlang) and evaluate (!!!) within group_by

test %>%
group_by(!!! rlang::syms(group_vars))

If we go by the route of paste, then one option is parse_expr (from rlang)

group_vars = c('factor1','factor2') %>% paste(., collapse = ';')
test %>%
group_by(!!! rlang::parse_exprs(group_vars))
# A tibble: 10 x 3
# Groups: factor1, factor2 [10]
# factor1 factor2 variable
# <int> <fct> <int>
# 1 1 d 145
# 2 5 e 119
# 3 4 a 181
# 4 3 e 155
# 5 3 d 164
# 6 3 b 135
# 7 4 e 137
# 8 4 d 197
# 9 2 d 142
#10 2 c 110

Using multiple different group_by variables (dplyr) to summarise a dataframe

I am by no means a dplyr expert but this seems to accomplish what you are trying to do:

for (i in 1:length(num_of_years)){
var1 <- names(my_data)[[i]]
var2 <- c(var1)

price_means <- my_data %>%
select(eval(i), price, price.2, price.3) %>%
group_by_(var2) %>%
summarise_each(funs(mean(., na.rm=TRUE))) %>%

assign(paste("PriceMeans",i,sep=""),price_means, envir = .GlobalEnv)

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